Chapter One - Work

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Life as I knew it had pretty much been like a roller coaster.
I had been attacked by a Vampire, ensuing a war. Soon followed by befriending some, and beginning a romantic relationship with one. It was a very strange life, and I sure hadn't expected any of it.

Thankfully, since the last time I'd near died, things had settled down. Everything had smoothed out, and no one had yet tried to take my life again.
Dodge was indeed still out there somewhere, and sooner or later he would find out that I had not died, and the chase would once again be on.

I was finally in my last year of school, and looked forward to the end of it. I was looking forward to beginning my adult life.
I wasn't sure as to what I was going to be doing afterwards, but to me, it didn't really matter, I had what mattered to me the most, and the rest would eventually sort itself out.

In order to maintain some form of normalcy, I had attained myself an easy job at a local restaurant. I hadn't been there long, but I enjoyed it, however, Duke was constantly on my tail about not needing to be there.
He was a wealthy man, so was his family, therefore there was no need for me to be wasting my time.
I disagreed.

"Hey Malory" I greeted as I walked into work after school Monday morning.

"Hey sweetie" She smiled as she stood at the counter, serving a couple waiting hand in hand.

Malory was a co-worker of mine. She was a few years older than me, her hair a short bob brown, roughly tied up into a ponytail. Her eyes were a light blue, contrasting her pale featured face.

I made my way into the back of the restaurant where my apron was kept. I began tying it around my my waist when I noticed a familiar face come into view

"Afternoon Rosie" It was the Irish tinged voice of Callum Connor

"Afternoon" I called back with a wave of my hand

Callum was the cook. He was a year older than me and had been working at the restaurant for about 3 years.
He was about six foot, lanky but firm, in some way, his figure was similar to Duke's.
Callum was charming and extremely charismatic, and since day one, I had always felt comfortably drawn to him.
It was as if I had known him for years, freely talking with him about anything.
Except for, of course, my new found fictional family.

"How was school?" He asked as I absorbed in the beautiful sound of his accent

"Same as always I guess, couldn't wait to get out of there" I shrugged, rolling my green work-shirt sleeves up to my elbows

He gave a laugh and continued chopping meat vigorously into tiny pieces.
Callum was a very attractive man, and when I had discovered he was single, I was shocked.
I couldn't understand why he never had dates or girls hanging around outside waiting for him likes flies in summer.
He had told me that he wasn't looking for a relationship, and that he had other priorities. I had always wondered what they were, but had never asked him.

I took a hold of my small notebook and pen and began around the unique popular venue.

It was a large restaurant, unlike the restaurant I had first worked for with Clora.
My shifts were mostly, Thursdays, Fridays and weekends, usually when the place was filled up to its knees in customers.
Thursdays were the roughest, alcohol was cheaper and many teenage boys would overindulge, almost always resulting in one hitting on me. Thankfully, it was a lot easier with Callum around, he would always swoop in and save me when I struggled to save myself.

Once I had served my customers, I handed Callum their orders and leaned over the front counter where Malory was running over the book of reservations.

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