Crayola colour wheel

10 1 0

We live in city brights

Dreams bigger than skyscrapers

Born from nothing

Wanting everything

Outsiders we stand out

Bold colours of the crayon box

Melted and set free

Set a fire to Expectations

Social images

Presenting what's fake

Why stand in

If you're born to stand out

Your your own form of art

Paint a path

Make your mark

Laugh out loud

cry in The dark

Here's To the under dogs
The losers

The loners

The Stand offs

The proud

The confident

The free

Raise your cups

Make a toast

It's our armistice

Let bygones be bygones

Haters will hate

Shake it off

Taylor's way

We are beautiful


Free souls

Wild hearts

We never die

So flaunt your body

No matter what shape

Your personality defines you

And you define it

So If you're crazy mad hatter

High off amphetamines

Going insane

Just trying to be


Like me

Then embrace the hell out of your nuttiness

Like owls of the night

Our laughter fills the silence
Never felt more liberal

Oh I love myself

The words bold on the page

We love who we are

No one can change us

Who we are is not set in stone

We build

and rebuild

Fix and adjust


destroying our hearts

Yeah we're weird

Laugh at us

But you'll never fit our

Crayola crayon box

With you orthodox complex

Our visionary minds

Set fire to our hearts

You won't understand

Our art

The meaning is hidden

As deep as our insecurities

So play the track

Put it on repeat

And ance to the beat

Of self love 

INSIDE MY MINDWhere stories live. Discover now