Meeting the Signless

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"'re like the next troll Jesus?" Dave asked, an eyebrow raising. Karkat rolled his eyes, not responding. The others just sat there quietly, unable to process this new information. The Cancer troll just explained his supposed "destiny" of setting his race free from the evils of blood hierarchy. Vriska wasn't sure how to take all this. She had briefly read about The Signless in Mindfang's journal, but she never actually expected...this to happen.

"Well...I believe that Karkat will make an excellent Savior. He has already proven himself to be quite the leader in our session. I'm sure you will succeed and free our race whenever the time may come for you to do so." Kanaya said, folding her hands in her lap and smiling warmly. Rose and Terezi nodded.

"From what Kanaya has told me, you happen to be a very skilled leader." Rose started, linking her arm with Kanaya's and leaning against her slightly. "Mostly in keeping your fellow friends all in line and from what i've gathered you acted as a sort of "public moirail" towards some of them. Discussing their feelings and mainly pacifying their rampages. I'm certain whatever duties you must fulfill due to a predetermined faith that has been placed upon you will end in triumph."

"Yeah!" Terezi exclaimed, a grin on her face. "You'll be great! And you'll have all of us on your side this time, so hopefully you won't end up like your ancestor."

"Yes, and it just so happens that a total of four to nine gods will be on your side. Also the experience you have gathered throughout these past few years. You are guaranteed total success." The little mixture of trolls and humans spoke excitedly, mainly the trolls spoke in excitement. All except Vriska...she was keeping to herself. Staying unnaturally quiet and eyeing Karkat...


A smile threatened to play on Karkat's lips as he remembered that day. The day he had announced to his friends of his destiny. That day he felt closer to them all for some reason, he felt like for once they all bonded over the same thing: freedom.

Karkat continued walking as Kanaya spoke, only half listening to what she explained. The two of them had just come back from meeting with Echidna and Kanaya was spouting some sort of bullshit about needing to protect him as a part of her end of the bargain. Karkat had no clue what that meant. Before he could get any further details from the vague rainbow drinker, she had already bonked him on the head rather forcefully and left him unconscious on the ground. Damn that rainbow drinker strength.


"Wake up, young savior." God, who was that? Karkat didn't know, and he didn't care. All he wanted to do was lay here and wallow in his own pain. His head hurt, it hurt so badly. Kanaya probably left a bruise, he'd have to chew her out about it later. "If you don't want to get up..." That voice, it was so familiar...yet different. "Then I guess i'll have to carry you." What? Karkat's body was lifted off the ground and he panicked. His eyes fluttered open and he looked around, limbs flailing.

A voice behind him laughed loudly and he was held out even more. Karkat looked down, though he wished he hadn't. Karkat was a good six feet off the ground. He whimpered and curled up, not wanting to fall.

"Signless!" That voice...there was a lisp. Sollux? No. No it couldn't be Sollux. This voice was far too deep to be Sollux's voice. Wait, did he just say Signless? "Come! He is much like you and your unreasonable fear of heights!"

"I fear nothing, but fear itself." Said another voice, it was gruff yet soothing at the same time. Like Karkat's voice but it had the same volume level as Kankri's. It was an odd mix of the two.

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