The First Sermon

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Those in the group who godtiered had been able to keep their powers. Although some of them were too dangerous to use like the time players or the heart players. Karkat didn't really want his matesprit to end up corrupting something in the universe and basically playing on his own accidental suicide. Karkat as well as the rest of the group agreed that the godtier powers would be used for more extreme emergencies and nothing less.

They all roamed around the area until Tavros, who ran up ahead, thankfully spotted a cave. The group moved into the cave and all plopped down out of exhaustion. Everyone was tired, cold, and hungry. Their weariness could be taken care of easily as could their lack of warmth, but their hunger? That was another problem. They knew nothing of this planet, it all looked like desert, all sand. No animal or any kind of food really appeared to be residing in these parts. Though the probability of any kind of food appearing, Gamzee offered to go out hunting for them.

"Really, shit ain't no trouble. I could get my motherfuckin' hands dirty if it means we got some of that miraculous food fillin' us up." Gamzee offered, already pulling out that enormous spiked club of his. Everyone was looking at Karkat. They were all starving and he knew that, but he also knew that they were wary about letting Gamzee go out and kill something for food. Karkat chewed his lip and glanced around at the questioning faces before his eyes landed on his highblood friend. Gamzee stood there, oblivious to the others worry.

"Alright Gam..." Karkat said, finally breaking the semi-uncomfortable silence. "Go on." He nodded towards the open-mouth cave entrance and Gam grinned before happily striding out to hunt. Karkat waited until Gamzee was a few steps away before hastily turning to Tavros and mumbling. "Go with him. You still do that animal voodoo shit. It'll be a help." Tavros reluctantly nodded and jogged out after Gamzee, a small lance in his hand. The others immediately began preparing the cave so it would be somewhat liveable. Kanaya went out with Rose to gather things to create a fire, her skin illuminating the darkening outdoors. Nepeta molded some makeshift beds out of mud and the others cleaned out their sylladexes to ration whatever objects they had in there.

Around the time it was pitch dark outside, the group had a nice little fire and a couple cooked cluckbeasts to fill them up. They all sat there in uncomfortable silence for a while until ,thankfully, Eridan broke the silence.

"How the holy hell are we gonna do any a the shit we're plannin' on doing, Kar?" Eridan asked, glancing up at his friend. How were they going to do this? Karkat was prepared to start "preaching" to a fresh set of trolls and humans, not ones already brainwashed. The cancer troll sat there in silence for a moment before shrugging.

"Honestly, I have no fucking clue. I mean, I was all prepped for an entirely different scenario." Karkat sighed and set the bone of what was once a very delicious cluckbeast down onto the ground, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I guess...we plan. We'll plan out every move, and until we do make said move, we stay under her imperial bitchiness' radar. But we'll also...we'll also get their mindset on it. On a world without her. A life without. It just seems like the best way to tackle this cluster fuck of a mess." Karkat stated. The others slowly nodded in agreement, that plan sounded better than their plans. What were their plans? To wing it.

So, they all began planning.

They all stayed hidden inside the cave they first found. Nepeta, Gamzee, and Tavros had became their official hunting squad for their nutrition needs. Kanaya, Vriska, and Rose were the ones who would go out and look for any kind of substance that would help create a roaring fire. Equius, Sollux, and Dirk had teamed up to create new objects out of the defeated scrap of drones they encountered. Feferi, Aradia, Eridan, Jake, and Dave would all go out into the nearby villages to sneak into the minds of the citizens of this world, asking them questions about how they feel about the current caste system and such questions to waver their loyalty. John, Jade, Roxy, and Terezi would sneak around the Empress' fairly large palace or battleship to try to obtain new information on her future plans. Jane became the official medical expert in the group, whenever someone had an sort of injury they would seek the help of Jane Crocker. Finally, everyone helped Karkat. They helped him on when he should make his debut as the Saviour of this broken world, they helped him plan which village would be the first to hear his sermons, but for some reason they couldn't help on writing out the sermons.

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