Confronting The Condescension

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Karkat woke up on the meteor. Wait...didn't Kanaya knock him out in a cave? This didn't make sense.

The Cancer troll sat up and rubbed the back of his head. The pain receded to a dull pounding instead of painful throbbing, so that was good. He looked around the empty area around himself and sighed. He really was alone at the moment. Karkat considered going down to visit Gamzee but he remembered that Jake and Tavrosprite had taken the fridge.

Karkat was alone.

The Knight of Blood stood up and stretched, his joints popping multiple times. Might as well get down to business. But what business? He didn't exactly know what to do now. Everyone else was in battle and he was supposed to...what was he supposed to even do? Karkat didn't know. God, he was so stupid.

The cancer troll sighed in frustration and paced, trying to think of his next move. Should he go and try to fight alongside his friends? Fall right back asleep and try to converse with the Signless once more but that would probably seem stupid. Karkat didn't want to look stupid in front of his ancestor. What could Karkat do? He sighed and just sat back down, feeling utterly useless. Might as well catch up on his reading.

The book Kankri had given him fell onto Karkat's lap and he opened it once again. Karkat had next to memorised the pages and the pictures, but it was still nice to read it. He flipped to the page with The Architect, the Beforian version of Sollux and his Beforian self's matesprit. His eyes roamed the yellow blood's frame in his loose fitting yellow and black garb. His red and blue visor that doubled as sort of headband and the papers clutched tightly to his chest. He turned the page and there was Her Imperial Radiance, Feferi's Beforian self.

This Empress was beautiful. Her long silky hair was pulled into two tight braids that hung off her shoulders. Her earfins were adorned with earrings of gold and fuschia, her arms covered in bracelets, her neck showed off a variety of blue and green necklaces, even her horns had jewels clasped around them. Her dress was long and flowing, mainly white but it was blue and green on her sides. Her double culling trident wasn't anywhere in the photograph, no, instead her arms were wide open as if asking for a hug from an old friend. She looked genuinely warm and inviting. She looked peaceful.

Seeing this photograph made Karkat think of Feferi. And when he thought of Feferi he remembered her death. He remembered how he just stood there as Sollux got knocked out. How he just stood there as Feferi lunged to avenge her yellow blooded moirail but was soon killed. He remembered and regretted not helping. But she was in a better place now, every Feferi he had encountered was extremely happy in the bubble's and held no ill will towards Karkat. It made him wonder how someone as sweet and forgiving as Feferi had managed to get someone so horrible and evil as The Condesce.

The Condesce...

The fenestrated panel on the floor lit up and a soft, rosey light was emitted from it. Karkat put the book back in its rightful place in his sylladex and stood up. He walked over to the panel and examined it. It shouldn't have of turned on...or... it should've? Karkat didn't really know how these things worked in all honesty. He didn't know what to do now. Did he have to go through it? Is that it? Might as well, not like he had anything better to do.

Karkat sighed and took a couple steps back. Yeah, might as well jump right into a mysterious glowing panel that leads you to probably no where. This is exactly what crabdad taught Karkat to do.

The cancer troll sighed once more before breaking out into a run and jumping right into the panel, disappearing from the meteor.


He landed on his feet with a groan. A pang of pain shot up his legs and he hissed in pain. Where was he? Where had that panel taken him? It only took him a quick glance upward to know where he was. The giant mass of gleaming purple. Purple buildings, floors, streets. It was just so...purple.

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