Valentine's Day (plots for the romantics and the not-so-much):

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A) Muse A and Muse B have been together for several years. Muse A wants to make this V-day extra special for their significant other. They plan to recreate the first date they had with Muse B down to the last detail. Despite their best efforts to surprise Muse B, nearly everything goes wrong. Somewhere along the way, Muse Brealizes what Muse A's trying to achieve and even though it's not perfect, they definitely feel the love.

B) Tired of meeting people at bars and night clubs, since they only seem to want one thing, Muse A puts an ad online to meet someone who shares their lack of desire for sexual intimacy. Muse B answers the ad. Muse A and Muse B communicate virtually for a few weeks before agreeing to meet in person. The pair meet up at a neutral location on Valentine's Day, simply because they both happen to be available then. Despite the initial anxiousness that the other is expecting more than they let on,Muse A and Muse B gradually relax and find that the other's intentions are pure as promised.

C) Muse A and Muse B are friends who live a considerable distance from one another. They were quite close growing up and they have remained good friends into adulthood. Despite family and friends swearing that they would make the perfect couple, Muse A and Muse B have never been anything more than friends. And they're perfectly content that way. Every February 14th, they reunite and spend the day together from sunrise to sun down, sparing one another from the romantic stuff that they'd both rather avoid.

D) Muse A hates everything associated with V-Day. The commercialism. The public displays of affection. The chalky heart-shaped candies. Every V-Day they typically lock themselves inside and avoid all instances of conventional romance, since they have zero interest in that sort of thing. Instead of spending the day with a significant other like seemingly everyone else around them, this year they decide to devote the day to themselves. They will mark something off their bucket list, or several things if they can. They meet Muse B on the first stop of their "self-day" and the two strangers have a good time, taking the day back.

E) Muse A and Muse B don't have plans for a traditionally romantic valentine's day this year. They thought it'd be nice to stay home and spend quality time with their loved ones instead. Muse A and Muse B make the whole day about family togetherness, sharing poorly-made homemade cards, playing games with valentine's chocolates that no one will eat, and just finding cute, little ways to make one another feel appreciated.

F) Muse A has two dates for Valentine's Day.. and they know about each other. Muse A and Muse B have been dating for a year, but have agreed to an open relationship since the start. Muse A met Muse C a few weeks ago and there's a passionate connection between them that's growing more intense every day. Up til now Muse Band Muse C have not met, but Muse A would like that to change. What better time to have both of them meet than Valentine's Day?

G) Instead of complaining about the love-drunk couples that seem to abound, and gorging themselves on ice cream straight from the carton, two single friends decide to come together, forgo the pity party, and treat themselves to their own Valentine's Day celebration. Muse A and Muse B go all-out, putting their platonic twist on the traditional couple-oriented activities like a pampering spa day and an eloquent dinner date.

H) Mutual friends have been trying to set up Muse A and Muse B for quite some time now, but it always seems that one or the other has an excuse to avoid the blind date. A Valentine's Day date is set that both have promised to finally attend. Instead of a traditional restaurant or bar setting, Muse A and Muse B are meeting at a culinary class to prepare some sweet treats to share with a bottle of champagne.

I) Muse A and Muse B are very much looking forward to celebrating Valentine's Day together, but Muse A especially so. Muse A has a very tantalizing gift planned for their lover. Muse B follows the instructions on a note written inside a heart shaped card, and waits for Muse A in an opulent hotel room. When Muse A enters from an adjacent room, they let Muse B in on the secret they've been planning for weeks.Muse A is about to give Muse B their very own private lingerie show.

J) Muse A and Muse B have great jobs, an amazing group of friends and of course each other, but they still feel that their home is missing something. On Valentine's Day morning, Muse A sees an ad for the local animal shelter and mentions to Muse Bthat a pet would make a wonderful addition to the home. Muse B reluctantly agrees to visit the shelter with Muse A, but makes no promises as to whether or not they'll adopt a pet. Will Muse A and Muse B find an unexpected Valentine at the shelter?

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