Chapter 18~A Change in Life~

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                                                   (Next Day ~ Houston, TX ~ Tour Bus ~ 12:14 PM)

                                                                                (Sarah’s POV)

About 3 hours ago, we woke up, brushed our teeth (Because Chaz and Justin’s morning breath is worse than a fire breathing dragon) and went to get Dev some clothes from her house. Then when we got back, we began to argue about who would get the bathroom first. Of course, Justin won. The only reason he did was that he ran, got his clothes, ran into the bathroom and locked himself in. Cheater. But anyways, I was the last one who got it, and Erin was just coming out. I was about to go in when she stopped me.

“When you get out, remember to get your skateboard. We’re gonna ride around the venue till soundcheck starts” She smiled. I nodded my head and kept on walking. But then I stopped again.

“Wait, aren’t you gonna wait for me?” I asked. She smiled again and nodded her head.

“Yeah! I just wanted to remind you” She replied and walked off. I saw Justin walk into the bus, looking for something.

Once I got in the bathroom, I plugged in my straightner and began to get dressed. I put on a pair of black jean shorts and my white Supras. I didn’t know what shirt would go with my belly button ring, so I put it in and strapped on my bra. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought about it. I know Erin would pick a good shirt, and Justin was probably gone by now. So I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room.

“Hey, Erin, which shirt do you think..” I looked up and went pale from what I saw.

Erin wasn’t in the room.

It was Justin.

Oh my Lord.

                                                 (Justin’s POV)

I had walked to the bus to get my skateboard. When I got there, I saw Sarah walking to the bathroom to get ready and Erin walking out. She stopped Sarah, told her something and smiled. When Sarah walked into the bathroom, Erin turned to Dev and nodded. She turned to me and smiled.

“Justin! Hey, Dev and I are gonna go to the Venue, Stay here and wait for Sarah, K?” She asked, while grabbing her hat and skateboard.

“I thought you said you were gonna wait for her?” I asked.

“We’re planning a surprise for her! Just do it, please?? For me? Your bestest friend in the world who would do it for you?” Erin gave me the puppy eyes and I just couldn’t resist! She already had really big brown eyes and when she did the puppy dog face, she could get anything she wanted because it’s the best weakening trick of all time.

“Fine! I’ll wait, just stop doing the face” I said, covering my eyes. She smiled, kissed my cheek and both her and Dev ran out of the bus with their skateboards.

I sighed and went to sit on the couch. Laying back, I thought about my life and how well it’s actually going. I thought that it would be a total disaster and madhouse with three toddlers, eight teenagers on one bus, but it’s actually really fun. I’m never lonely or depressed, there’s always someone here to make me laugh when I feel just a little down and…

“Hey, Erin, which shirt do you think..” My thoughts were interrupted by Sarah asking for Erin. I looked at her and…Oh my lord.

She’s shirtless…SHE’S SHIRTLESS!!!! Oh my gosh, what do I do?! Do I say something?! We were both just staring at each other with shocked stares. My eyes traveled from her face down to her navel, where I saw a belly button ring?!

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