An Angel and a Porcelain Mask

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I will never forget that place or the time I spent there.

I had opened my eyes, taking a feel to my natural surroundings. I was in a hotel room, dirty but decent.

I heard crying in the room across from me. Cameras were in the corners of the ceiling, doors were locked from the inside. There was no escape. In the back corner of my mind, I remember worrying about the English test that I was going to miss.

A few minutes into my thoughts, and the door opened. A beautiful girl of 17 or so crossed my room, and the first thing I noticed were the several scars marring her beautiful face. She had short, ombre hair and was curvy. Her face would have been gorgeous, cheekbones and all, but the scars ruined the perfect image she would've made. I briefly wondered if she was my kidnapper's lover, but that thought left as quickly as it came.

"Please, don't struggle. If you struggle, it will make my job much harder than it has to be."

I wisely obeyed. I understood that the scars were an example of the kidnapper's power, and if I showed signs of complaint, this girl would suffer.

"My name is Angel. I work for him." She looked at me, as if I knew who he was. I registered her name in my mind, and I was internally amused at the irony of the situation. A flawed Angel working for a kidnapper.

"I was ordered to deliver a message. If you'll carefully listen, please: Hello, Naniya Rivera. My name is James, and you will only know me as such. You will never know anything of my identity other than that name. I like to visit my precious girls. When I visit, you'll notice I will hide my face with a mask. I have brought you here on behalf of your father. I'd ask you to thank him for inspiration of your capture. The girl I have sent is Angel. She is my assistant and will personally see to you and the others for your stay here. If you struggle, you will be punished for her incompetence. I have made examples of her punishment clearly. I will see you soon. Enjoy your stay." She handed me the note she had recited the message from and I took it.

She looked at me and I nodded, acknowledging these words. Surprise ran across her face, but, instead of saying anything, she handed me a duffel bag.

"Extra clothes and toiletries. You're a small?"

I nodded. I'd always been petite for my age, and I still was.

"He does rounds at night, so be prepared."

Again, I nodded. She flashed a small smile.

"You don't say much, do you?"

I responded quietly. "Thank you, Angel."

She looked taken aback. "I'll leave you to yourself." And she left.

When he had visited that night, I was still as quiet as I'd been with Angel. I did answer when he expected me to respond, and I noted that he liked that about me. I was quiet, studying him and his behaviors, something I'd learned from my dad. He was tall and had an average build. He wore a porcelain mask that cut off around the mouth. He had yellow teeth and a deep scar on his chin. His hair was a dirty yellow, like straw. His voice was average, different from what I had expected. He wore hoodies a lot, as if he was always cold. His stride was a lanky, proud gait, and when he smiled, he sneered. He visited me a lot, and was blunt with me. He told me he liked my unassuming silence and my observing eyes. Angel visited me more often, finding a companion in me in some ways.

From week one, I knew I was different from the others. I stood out because I hadn't cried once in my captivity. I preferred to think rather than waste my tears. James, whether it was his real name or not, liked this quality of mine. He would always boast about how I would make his dreams a reality. I was the one that would change everything, he had said.

He wasn't wrong.

Angel grew fond of me and always answered my questions. James was watching, but I found he liked my curiosity, and never punished Angel for answering me. She disclosed plenty of information to me, and I found I could trust Angel. I hoped that she felt trust in me.

One day, Angel had run into my room excitedly, congratulating me. When I'd asked what happened, she'd said that James had "chosen" me. She never clarified, and, on orders, cuffed me and took me to the basement.

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