If the Dog Likes Him, I Like Him, Too...Kinda

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I woke up at 10 AM, Malala next to me on the couch. I let her out to tinkle and I watched her carefully. My biggest fear of being chased was that my dog would get harmed trying to protect me.

I let her back in, fed her and myself. I had a super healthy breakfast of bacon and cereal. I stared into my bowl, wondering why Honey Nut Cheerios were so delicious. I went upstairs to take a shower, remembering the new agent that would ruin my life today. I didn't intend to impress him, but I wanted to seem like a functioning member of society, even though I obviously wasn't. After much thought, I put on my usual sports bra, sweats, and tank top. After all, I wasn't comfortable enough around Agent Austin that I would have let my nips peek out.

Too much thought, Naniya.

While waiting for the agents to show up, I worked out on the elliptical for a good 30 minutes. I heard the knocking at exactly 12; Agent Phillips was plenty punctual. I took the alarm down and opened the door.

Agent Phillips walked in, hat on his head. He took it off in greeting, and I smiled at him, bracing myself for his companion.

The first thing I noticed about him: he was surprisingly young. For an agent, at least. Almost everyone in the agency was 30 and married, or 60 and dying. He looked like neither. He was tall and built, as much as I expected him to be. He looked to be of Indian descent and he was tan. He had dark, shoulder-length hair and beard stubble. I had never liked long hair on men or facial hair, but both seemed to work for him. He had brown eyes that seemed calculating, but also warm. In the suit and tie the agency was known for, he looked good. Handsome, even.

"I presume you're Agent Austin." I said. I caught him giving me the once-over, and I smirked. It was likely he had caught my study of his profile, and like a good little agent, he had done the same.

"And I would presume you are Naniya Rivera. It's a pleasure to meet you." He extended his hand, and I briefly shook it.

Agent Phillips patted Austin's back. "Austin is more than capable, Naniya. He will adjust to your routine, and he will do more than secure your safety."

I nodded. "Thank you."

"I'll see myself out. It's been an honor, Ms. Rivera.", Agent Phillips said. He didn't need to say anything else; we'd exchanged plenty this morning. I still saw him out, waving to him as he drove away. I closed the door, locking it, and taking a breath, I faced Austin.

I gestured to the living room. He took the chair, and I took the couch.

He cleared his throat. "So...uh-", he started.

I gave a loud whistle, signaling my dog to come downstairs. When she saw Austin, she growled at him, snarling threateningly. He raised his hands.

"Sending your dog on me already, huh?", he joked. I shrugged nonchalantly.

"If she approves, I approve." Mala circled him, smelling him. I watched as he visibly relaxed around her, and when she began to wag, I called her off of him.

"So, am I clean?"

I smirked. "We'll see."

He eyed her pelt. "Beautiful dog."

"Say thank you to the nice agent, Malala." She barked in response, and he chuckled.

"Intelligent, too.", he said. "Malala, like the girl?"

I nodded. "Like the Noble Peace Prize winner, and the empowering feminist who pissed off the Taliban."

He nodded, clearing his throat again. "My name is Michael Austin, Ms. Rivera. You can call me Michael."

"And you can call me Naniya. I know what's next, and you don't need to tell me about yourself, if you don't want to."

He looked surprised. "I'm not uncomfortable with telling you the basics."

I was quiet for a while. "What are you, 19? 20?"

"Uh, 20. Grew up in San Francisco, lived there for most of my life."

"Everett, Washington.", I said, trying to make the conversation less like an interrogation, and more like, well, a conversation.

"I know, Ms. Rivera. I saw the file."

I glared at him coldly. "I am 2 years younger than you, Austin. I am no Ms. And the file means nothing. I am a person, Agent Austin, not a case."

A beat.

"Absolutely. My apologies."

I nodded. "It's fine. I'm aware you know everything; I just prefer to pretend you don't."

He smiled. "Would you like to get to know me then?"

"In due time. Want a tour?"

"Sure." I led him to the kitchen.

"This is the kitchen. And that's all you're going to see."

He laughed. "Great tour."

"Thanks. Want anything to drink or eat?", I asked.

"Water? I seem to be extra nervous around you.", he said, laughing again. I opened my fridge, passing him bottled water. I gave him a look.

"Am I the first girl you've said that to?", I teased dryly.

He took a swig. "First mission.", he corrected.

"Ah. Do you want your first mission to be exciting or dull?"

He shrugged. "No idea. Which are you?"

"I'd like to say a little bit of both."

"So, you may not have questions for me, but I have a few for you."

I sat down on my counter. "Shoot."

"How come you're not in the agency? My uncle offered you a spot."

"Your uncle's in the Top 15?", I asked.

"You know-? Of course, you do. Yeah, number 10. The Head of the Program."

I raised my brow. "I'll give you the same answer I gave your uncle: why would a witness join the Witness Protection Program as an agent?"

He snorted. "I saw the tapes, Naniya. You're strong. You can fight. You're intelligent. Heck, you have the highest score on the weapons exam."

I waved it away. "My dad's fault."

"You could be the first female to make the Top 15! You could-", he rattled.

"I can't, okay? I can't." I took a deep breath, recovering from my snap.

"Sorry.", Austin said. "Again."

I shook my head. "No. It's just...there are some things from the incident that I can't get back. He ruined me. I'm not who I once was. Sorry."

"I understand. It was inconsiderate. I was just...watching those tapes, I was amazed by you. And I...sorry."

"Any more questions?"

"Yeah. I don't know if I'm overstepping my boundaries, and you don't have to answer. How exactly did you escape? I saw the building. I scoped out the place. I read the file so many times. It doesn't add up. You had to have had help."

I sighed. "You're right. They did take something out of my file. Something crucial. Rather, someone."

"Tell me."

"Long story."

He looked at me, a challenge in his eyes. "Shoot."

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