6 - The Kyln

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Nova Corp HQ

Andromeda's POV:

I stand in the small examination cell with a rotary camera. I know that I will be displayed on a screen with all my information while that Saal guy and a random officer will decide on my punishment. I'll probably be sent to the local prison. After all, it was only a small crime.

I look into the camera with a disgusted face with my head held high. It's just an intimidation tactic my father showed me.

After what seems like forever, a guard comes in and roughly puts some shackles on my wrists. He pushes me towards the door. Once we're outside I see that Peter and the other three people we were fighting are being pushed towards what looks like the entrance of a ship. Once I enter I see that it is a space transportation ship.

"Um, where exactly are we going?" I ask with a bored tone.

All the guards ignore me. I proceed to clear my throat. Very loudly. They don't even spare me a glance.

"Oi! Bastards!" I say aggressively, "Where the fuck are we going?"

This gets a young guards attention. He strides over to where we have been seated and looks us over in a bored fashion. Finally, his eyes settle on me and he rolls his eyes.

"You're being transported to the Kyln" he replies in a very uninterested tone.

An atomic bomb goes off inside my head.

The Kyln?!? Are you fucking kidding me?!?! It was so hard to get out the first time, and that was with Dad's help. Now that he's chasing us it's going to be twice as hard!!

I am so outraged I swear there's steam coming out of my ears. Peter seems to notice because he nudges my leg with his and gives me a look that says "calm down, we'll get out".

I nod, take a deep breath and prepare myself for the journey ahead.

----- Time skip brought to you by Rocket's sarcastic comments-------

"I guess most of Nova Corps wanna uphold the laws," the annoying racoon whose name is Rocket says matter-of-factly, "but these ones here, they're corrupt and cruel. But hey," he chuckles cockily before continuing to bore us with his non-stop talking, "that's not my problem. I ain't gonna be here long. I've escaped 22 prisons.This one's no different."

Two guards are currently escorting the five of us through the Kyln. I'm assuming they;re taking us to our cells. Unfortunately, it's taking for ever because this place is frickin' massive meaning we have to listen to Rocket and his endless talking.

"You're lucky the broad showed up,because otherwise, me and Groot would be collecting that bounty right now, and you'd be getting drawn and quartered by Yondu and those Ravagers."

"I've had a lot of folks try to kill me over the years," interrupts Peter. I snort and quickly cover it up with a cough. Peter looks at me with a shut-the-fuck-up face before continuing, "I-"

"We" I correct.

"Right. We ain't about to be brought down by a tree and a talking raccoon."

"What's a racoon?" sneers Rocket.

Oh God.

"'What's a raccoon?'," scoffs Peter imitating Rocket, "It's what you are, stupid."

"Ain't no thing like me, except me" Rocket fires back while puffing his chest with pride and pointing at his tiny body.

I chuckle and Rocket looks back at me.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, nothing" I reply with a sarcastic smirk plastered on my face.

A few moments of awkward silence pass until Peter decides to ask some questions with that big mouth of his.

"So, this Orb has a real shiny blue suitcase, Ark of the Covenant, Maltese Falcon sort of vibe. What is it?"

"I am Groot"

"So what? What's the Orb?" Peter asks rudely.

"I have no words for an honorless thief" spits Gamora. I recognized her as soon as we got on the transportation Jet. My father likes to keep tabs on people that might endanger his business. Long story short, she was in the database I hacked into before making a run for it with Peter.

"Pretty high and mighty coming from the lackey of a genocidal maniac" retorts Rocket.

Gamora whips her head around to look at him in with a slightly panicked faced.

"Yeah, I know who you are," he continues. "Anyone who's anyone knows who you are."

"Yeah, we know who you are." says Peter sassily.

No you don't I think in myself as I scoff.

"Who is she?" whispers Peter in my direction.

"I am Groot" replies Groot.

"Yeah, you said that" Peter points out.

"I wasn't retrieving the Orb for Ronan. I was betraying him. I had an agreement to sell it to a third party" Gamora explains hurriedly.


"I am Groot"

"No way" I sarcastically mutter at the same time as Peter says,

"Well, that's just as fascinating as the first 89 times you told me that. What is wrong with Giving Tree, here?

"Well, he don't know talking good like me and you. So his vocabulistics is limited to "I" and "am" and "Groot." Exclusively in that order" responds Rocket just as sarcastically.

I decide to like Rocket. He seems like a down-to-Earth type of guy... thing.

"I tell you what, that's gonna wear real thin, real fast." mutters Peter.

I hear the faint tune of Hooked on a Feeling by Blue Swede and scrunch up my face in confusion. I look to my left and to see a guard holding Quill's Walkman.

"Hey," Peter shouts, "Put that away."

The guard puts on the headphones.

Oh shit

"Peter no" I hiss.

Too late, the idiot has started walking towards the door. I quickly slip in with him before the door closes.

"Listen to me, you big blue bastard. Take those headphones off. That's mine. Those belong to impound. That tape and that player is mine!" Peter rants going red in the face.

The guard gets up and electrocutes Peter in the stomach with his electric baton. Peter grunts and falls to his knees. I'm just going to wait until Peter really needs help to intervene.

"Hooked on a Feeling, Blue Swede, 1973. That song belongs to me!" Peter gasps.

He's electrocuted again. This time he falls to the floor.

As the guard is about to electrocute Peter for a third I stop the electric baton with my boot and step into in front of Peter. The guard sneers and lunges at me but I sidestep and stick my leg out and trip him. Before I realize I can react, an electric baton is shoved into my side by a second guard and I fall to the floor writhing in pain. The two guards electrocute both Peter and I until
 they get bored. We are then hauled to our feet, shoved out of the room and forced to keep walking.

So far, this day i going great, note the sarcasm there.  I just hope Rocket gets us out of here soon.


Soooo, chapter 6 is done. I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it :))

I'm sorry for not updating in for ever I've been really busy with school and family and everything.

If you enjoyed it, make sure you let me know by commenting or voting. It would really mean a lot to me if you did <3

If you see any mistakes you'd like me to fix let me know in the comments or inbox me ^.^

Thank you for reading xx

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