2 - Firsts

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---5 years later---

Raveger ship

"Peter! Wake up" I yell as I jump onto his bed.

"What the heck Andromeda! It's 7:30 am in the ships sleep pattern!" he exclaims while he rubs his eyes.

"So what!? Do you know what day it is today?" I ask excitedly

"Today? I thought your birthday was yesterday" he replies still groggy.

"It was silly. Today is our first training session because we are both twelve!" I say squealing.

"Oh... OH! TRAINING YES, FINALLY!" He yells the last part when my words sink in.

"Come on, get ready," I say while I pull out some clothes out of the wardrobe for him,"Put these on quickly".

He takes his shirt off not bothering to even go into the bathroom to change and I look away awkwardly. When he finishes getting dressed he pushes me towards the door.

"Lets get brekky" he says and we both walk out the room.


After breakfast we head to the training section where Yondu meets us. He teaches us how to use the guns and weapons first. Then we move onto hand to hand combat. After 5 hours of intense training we are sweating and sore all over.

"Training is over. Good job. Same time tomorrow" Yondu says. He then turns on his heel and walks out of the door.

Peter sheepishly smiles at me and gets up from his crouching position.

"Race you to the shower that has hot water for more that 30 minutes" he says. I get up off the floor and ready myself.

"3.... 2.... 1.... Go" we countdown simultaneously. We race out of the door and down the hall. We arrive at the same time but someone is already in the good shower so we shrug it off and go to our bedroom showers instead.

--- 5 years after that---

"OI, ANDROMEDA, WAKE UP WILL YOU!" Peter yells from my doorway.

"What the fuck Quill?! I was sleeping" I reply extremely pissed off.

"Well, tell that to your father. He wants us in the training room in 5" he says grinning evilly.

"5... Wait... 5 MINUTES?! SHIT?! WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP EARLIER??" I shout as I realize that my father is expecting us in 5 minutes. Peter just laughs. I jump out of bed and I go to my wardrobe. I sleep in my knickers and a loose t-shirt and I feel Peters eyes on me on the way to the wardrobe.

"Quit it will you?" I say in a pissed-off tone.

He just throws his arms up in a surrendering manner. I roll my eyes as I pull on a pair of black jeans and some boots. I look down at the t-shirt I wore to bed. It is a light blue with a white imprint of a band called the Jackson5. It is one I stole from Peter's drawer. I  look up and go into the bathroom to put a bra on under the t-shirt I come out and Peter tosses me a red apple. I grab my red coat off a hook and we head out of the door. As I eat the apple I glare at Peter.

"What?" he asks innocently.

"You know exactly what, Star-Lord" I snap back. I say Star-Lord sarcastically because I know he hates it.

"I don't know" he says gritting hi teeth showing his annoyance at my sarcasm.

"Oh yes you do! You know I hate apples but I have to eat something in the morning or I'll starve so you brought me a red apple on purpose" I explain hotly.

Peter just chuckles.

We reach the training room and I toss the core into a bin. Yondu is standing in the middle with his back towards us.

"Well well well. Look who decided to show up late" he dramatically says as he turns to face us.

God, he loves inserting drama into everything, I kid you not.

"Oh wow. 1 minute late father, so disappointing" I reply sarcastically.

"Now young lady, that is no way to talk to your father is it?" Yondu inquires sternly.

"No" I mumble feeling intimidated by his tone of voice.

"Right answer. Okay so you must be wondering why I called you here today," he pauses for effect, " I summoned you because you are now both 17, meaning you can now go on missions. This is your first assignment. You are to retrieve a small object from Xandar from a man called the Broker. It is a glass figurine of what Terrans called a wiener dog"

Peter snorts. Very loudly.

"What's the matter boy?" Yondu asks arching an eyebrow.

"I think I heard wrong Yondu. You want us to retrieve a stupid glass figure of a dog?!" Peter exclaims.

"Yes boy, it is valuable to me. You are to pressure the Broker into selling it for less than 1,000 units. You may use force if needed be" Yondu calmly replies as he shows us a picture of the object. It is black with a long snout and a long body. It is standing on its hind legs and it looks pretty cute.

"SO, you want us to go to Xandar, buy this figurine for less than 1,000 units from a man name the Broker and return?" I ask.

"Yes Andromeda. That is exactly it" Yondu says nodding hi head.

"Uh, We're no where near Xandar. How are we getting there" Quill asks in a defying tone.

"You'll be flying one of the ships without an owner" Yondu replies coolly.

"Sweet!" Peter and I say at the same time.

"It's in space 54C. Now go. I want you back in less than 5 days" Yondu says nodding towards the door.

"Race you there" I say.

"3... 2... 1... GO!" we both countdown simultaneously. I sprint towards the door and reach it before Peter. I arrive at the ship first.

"Shotgun driving!" I call out.

"Aw man, not fair" I hear Peter shout from somewhere behind me. I grin and strap myself in. This is going to be sick.


What do you think? Please comment and vote if you have enjoyed it so far. Feel free to share the story :) The picture is the t-shirt Andromeda is wearing. Thank you so much for reading <3

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