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A/N: I hope you appreciate this pre debut pic of Kyungsoo I found, HE LOOKS SO CUTE ASDFGHJK

Anyway, to the stoRy!!


"And then he started taking pictures of me!" I exclaimed.

I was currently on the phone with Gayeon.

"MINSOO!!!" my mother called, "COME AND EAT YOUR DINNER!"

"Um, I have to go now, I'll talk to you soon."

"OK, bye, have fun with Kyungsoo." she said teasingly.

"Aish, shut up. Bye." I hung up and ran down stairs.

"Mmmm, something smells good. What is it?"

"Food, now eat." Oemma replied. Wow, she's in a bad mood. She must've had a bad day at work. She's been having a lot of bad days at work lately, they've been firing a lot of people and I guess she's working extra hard so she can keep her job.

Just then appa walked in and the air became more tense.

"Minsoo, how are your studies?" He grunted.

"They're going good appa." I mumbled and focused on my plate of food.

"Remember Minsoo, you must be in the top 10 in Korea in order to go to a good university."

"I know." I continued eating.

After dinner I went back to my room and turned on my phone. I was surprised to see a missed call from an unknown number. Not because it was an unknown number, mainly because no one EVER calls me.

I decided to call the number back. The person picked up after a few rings.

"Hey Minsoo." Omo that voice. It's Kyungsoo. I started freaking out, I didn't know what to say. So I did what any other normal person, wait no, what I would normally do. I hung up on him.

A little while later the same unknown number started calling again. I decided to ignore it because I had to study for an upcoming exam.


It's mainly because I don't know what to say and then it would become awkward. He called a couple more times, and then he finally stopped. A couple of minutes later, I got a text from him. I quickly glanced at it.

This is Kyungsoo and I just wanted to check if you're alright? Your phone cut out or something :p

Awwww, he's checking if I'm alright.

Yeah, I'm just studying and I think I might go to sleep now :)

I put my phone down, but then another text came,

OK, sleep well x

Omo, he sent me an x!

Contain yourself Minsoo, contain your- I suddenly burst into giggles like a delirious little girl.

My ultimate bias SENT ME AN X!

Well I don't HAVE to sleep...

I want to keep this conversation going. If I can continue talking to him on text, I can probably muster up a phone conversation in the future.

Yay!! I've been wanting to get to know more about you :))

That night, I fell asleep with the biggest smile planted on my face.


"So, how's Kyungsoo going?" Gayeon asked.

The day I met Kyungsoo [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now