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What did I just do? I let him leave! I am actually the biggest idiot when it comes to life.

She's my black pearl

That's his voice! Did he come back?

She's my bla-ack pearllllll

Oh wait thats my ringtone, I mentally face palmed myself.


"Hey, so how'd it gooo?" It was Gayeon.

I took a dramatic sigh and replied. "Horrible."

"Omo, why?!" She asked.

"Well first of all, when I got there I looked horrible, so I did what I would normally do, I ran away."

"No you didn't."


"Oh my god, you did! Why are you like this MinSoo? Huh?"

"Well that's not the end of the story, let me finish. So anyway I ran away to a park that was like a kilometre away from the shop, and I think he was following me."

"And when I got there I tripped and killed my knee, and no one was there. Until KANGJOON JUST SHOWS UP AND CARRIES ME TO MY HOUSE AGAINST MY WILL."

"No, freaking, way. Why the hell was he even there?"


I took a moment to calm down.

"Anyway he dumped me on my bed and tried to win me back."

"What did you do next?"

"Rejected him, harshly. Then he finally left me alone."

"Hey, that's not that horrible, cheer up!"

"No, but I'm not finished yet."


"Yeah. This is where it gets horrible."

"Kyungsoo walked in and started looking after me, he even got me some bubble tea! And then..."

"..... And then he what?! You're making me nervous here! Wait, he didn't try anything on you did he?"

"No! He stole my bubble tea then-"

Gayeon suddenly burst out laughing.

"Yah! Then I stole his and took, like a sip, then he said that he'll get cooties and left."

"I ship you guys so much!" She managed to say in between her fits of laughter.

"Well what should I do?" I was looking around the room and spotted his bubble tea. He left it here.

"You have his number right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Make up an excuse to talk to him. Ooh I know! Ask him if he got cooties!" She suddenly erupted into laughter again.

"Ugh, shut up pabo. I'd better leave now anyway; it's late."

"Yeah, me too. Good luck."

And then I hung up. I searched for Kyungsoo's number through my long list of contacts, haha, I'm only joking. I literally only have 4 contacts.

Beep beep

Beep beep

Beep be-

The number you have called is not available please try again later.

No. Way. He pressed busy on me! But I shouldn't get angry it's not like he's my boyfriend or anything.

The day I met Kyungsoo [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now