Stuff that I have decided to put at the end of this book ;P

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Hey my fabulous readers, if you're on this chapter, it probably means that you've finished the book. CONGRATULATIONS! *claps* Thank you for putting up with whatever that was xD

My Epilogue had almost FOUR THOUSAND WORDS!!! WHAT! I never write that much... the most I can normally manage is like 2500.... I was like HOLY MOLY WHATTTTTT


I decided to put this chapter in to say some stuff about the book and to tell you about some things that I didn't include in the book.

First thing that NONE of you know (except probably my first reader who has probably neglected reading this), *clears throat* this fan fiction was originally meant to be a fluff, meaning that there was going to be no Seungli in the first place and that KyungMin were going to get married and have kids, so this would've been SUPER cliche. But thank god I changed my mind.

Also this was going to be in the epilogue, but I decided not to put it in.

This is right after Minsoo 'fainted':

That was strange, why did she do that? Did she not know it was me? Or even worse, did she know it was me and run away intentionally?

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a soft tug at my shirt, I looked down at who was tugging it and saw an adorable little girl with curly hair and big brown eyes. She looked like she was 6 or 7 and she looked very timid.

"Are you EXO?" She asked shyly.

I crouched down to her level.

"I'm someone from EXO." I smiled.

"Well... can I please have a picture with you?" She asked, a small blush creeping onto her face.

"Of course." I laughed.

"Yay!" She giggled and ran towards her mum to use her phone.

"Wow these are really bad photos of me." I grinned then started laughing at how many photo's she had of me.

"Why are you going through my phone anyway? It's private." She asked me slightly angered.

I completely ignored her question and instead said "I'll get some better photos of me instead." Then proceeded to take a bunch of selca's of myself to replace the photo's of me from the internet. Now she can have some originals.

"HAJIMA!" She yelled.

"You're cute when you're angry." I smiled to myself and started taking photo's of her too.

"I think I'm going to send these to myself."

"Ani, don't!"

"Too late!"

I tried to shake that memory away, I mean, it's the first part of letting go of someone close to your heart. Try to forget about them.

The little girl ran back to me holding her mothers phone and handed it to me.

"Can you please take the photo? My hands are too shaky." She said innocently, she was so adorable.

I nodded curtly.

I took the photo with my signature selfie angle, the girl thanked me and ran back to her mum.

As I walked in the opposite direction, I heard the girl's mother speak behind me.

The day I met Kyungsoo [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now