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That was me having writers block.... This chapter stayed like that for a million years... Okay now I will actually give you a chapter


Eodumi jinhan supeul jina

Hayan byeori naeryeo on sesang imi da

(The Star, EXO)

I heaved a huge sigh. What do people do when they're trapped in hospitals? All I've been doing is, listen to music for the past two days, and they have been the exact same songs over and over again. I just wish I could get some fresh air, but no. Apparently it's 'against the law'. Pfft, what a bunch of baloney.

I rolled over to the other side of my bed and saw someone leaning against the doorway. He was wearing a mask, so I had no idea who it was.

"Can I help you?" I asked rather sarcastically.

"Tissue I seed poo chalk goo boo." I heard their muffled voice from behind the mask.

"I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you just said."

The guy took the mask off, revealing his face.

"Oh hey Minseok!" I cheerfully greeted. "What in the world did you just say?" I blunted.

He sighed. "I said, Minsoo I need to talk to you."

"Go ahead. Shoot."

"Can I sit down first?" He asked as I nodded. Was this going to be a serious talk?

He sighed once again. "There's been a lot going on these past few days. One of them being you getting hospitalised. Actually, that's when it started..." He trailed off.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked, my curiosity peaking.

"Well..." This doesn't sound good. "Kyungsoo... Well he sort of..."

"Just tell me already!" I snapped. "I'm sorry." I apologised, after he gave me a look.

"After our visit to see you, he basically went home, really angry, and he beat Jongin up."

"WHAT?!" I can't believe he'd do such a thing. Minseok motioned for me to be quiet.

"He beat him up to get information about Seungli, but he didn't give in... At least not until the day after. Jongin said that he felt really guilty about helping Seungli so he gave Kyungsoo her address and other information."

"Then what?" I asked like an impatient potato.

"He went to where Jongin said she lived and he... He was greeted by Seungli and a whole bunch of other sasaengs - at least that's what he told us - and they all got really happy, until Seungli told them to attack Kyungsoo."

"NO! Is he okay?!"

"He's only got a couple of bruises. He knows Judo you know. He could defend himself."

"But still! He could've gotten really badly hurt."

"I know, we all know... But anyway." He clasped his hands together. "I've said all I have to say, I only came to tell you this because Kyungsoo told me to tell you. He feels really embarrassed coming to see you looking all beaten up so he sent me over to explain." He smiled. "So I'm off. Bye!" He waved.

"Wait, that's it?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm sorry... We have a fan signing to go to. But Jongin and Kyungsoo won't be attending, for obvious reasons." He let out a small laugh. "Okay now, bye!" He waved then left the room.

The day I met Kyungsoo [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now