Chapter 10

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A WHOLE SEVEN more days have passed and things haven't got any better. We put off moving early to start our college life until things are more settled. Jared and I have constantly been at each other's throats. Dad stayed away which gave Meadow one less thing to worry about; she still worries about what he thinks of her, and even though he tried to talk me into dumping her when we first got together, he hasn't brought her up since. He seems to accept us and never makes me feel awkward having her here.

I just wish she would come around and make more effort with him. Apart from Uncle Drew, my Dad is my only family that's stays around and he means the world to me. He has always supported me and encouraged my football, and I plan on putting a ring on Meadow's finger so they will have to learn to get along.

"Hey, I'm back," I call out. I had a leaving dinner with the coach and the guys on the team. I left early because I didn't want to leave Meadow here with Jared, that's how insecure I've let myself become. It angers me that I'm being weak and un-trusting of Meadow; she has given me no reason to worry, but I do anyway.

I hear voices coming from upstairs so I mount them two at a time and enter my room. Meadow is standing in the bathroom doorway, my Dad is a few feet in front of her, and she's crying and covering her bare chest.

"What the fuck's going on?"

Her body is shaking. I go to her, and she clings to me, gripping my t-shirt so hard her nails scrap the skin underneath.

"What the fuck happened?" I bellow to my Father.

"I caught her with your brother, throwing herself all over him. He bailed when I told him I would tell you."

My worst fear just spilled from my Father's lips.

"No, no," Meadow whimpers next to me. I turn to her, slipping my shirt off and over her.

"Where is Jared, Med?" fear, pain, guilt fill her eyes. My heart drains of blood. She's shaking her head. "He did leave bu..."

I push her back. I feel sick, and the room feels too small, the walls closing in on me.

"She's been playing you both for years, Justin. She's just like her mother."

His words slice at me like a knife.

"It didn't... it wasn't... Your Dad, he hates me, he did this," she stutters.

My anger flares, erupting from the pent up anxiety of the past weeks. "Don't try to blame him, Meadow. Have you been fucking around with my brother after everything? After he left you and I had to pick up the pieces? I should have listened to him and left you where you belonged, with your mother."

Her body quakes as tears stain her cheeks. I feel like I'm dying. She reaches for me but I step back.

"Get out!"

Her sobs torch the air, thickening the inferno flaring out of control inside me. She rushes from the room and I hear the front door slam behind her. Disintegrating my heart.


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