Chapter 15

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I FEEL HER warm body curled up next to mine. Her scent is intoxicating, filling my senses and driving my cock into overload. She's so beautiful, funny, loving and I've missed her so much.

I keep getting flashes of seeing her naked after spending the night with Justin and it's eating away at me, but not enough to stay away from her. I can't believe he told her I wasn't coming here after he asked me to. I knew I shouldn't have left him my number, I should have just taken off, cutting everyone off like last time. The fact he was so willing to stay with the woman-beating prick instead of leaving with me and Mom still tears me up inside.

Seeing them both looking their ages, enjoying being young in college makes me realize how different my last few years were to theirs. I had to find a place to live, drop out of school and find work. Mom quickly spiralled further into depression and if it wasn't for meeting my now brother and best friend Razor, in a bar one night, I wouldn't have survived. He gave me a new family, money, a home and introduced me into a new life.

So why do I always end up back here, hurting over this woman, her always picking Justin over me?

God, I've tried everything to get over her. Fighting her out, drinking her out, and fucking her out. Nothing works. That girl is in every cell of my body and only a body bag will release me from her thrall. Even then, I think my ghost will haunt her.

Her ass shifts back into my groin, pulling my focus into the now, and fuck, I can't help but grind forward. I hear her sharp intake of breath and then feel the cold emptiness as she jumps from the bed.

"Shit, we fell asleep together."

I can't help but laugh. "We're grownups, Beats. We can spend the night together if we want to."

She grimaces. "I know, it's just... I feel slutty."

"Why? We didn't do anything."

She nods, running her hand through her hair then begins pacing up and down.

"I know. It just doesn't look good, me spending the night with Justin then you."

"Nothing happened, and who's going to know anyway?"

She smiles. "You're right. I don't know why I care. Justin really screwed me over."

I slip off the bed and go to where she's pacing. I reach for her shoulders to stop her. "He's fucking crazy bringing that robot type woman here when he had the chance to be with you. Don't let him see how much he got to you."

Her lips lift and my heart skips a beat. How can I still love her like this, after so long without her?

"Let's go get breakfast," I say, trying to stop myself from leaning in to claim her lips.

"I need to shower and change."

"Okay, well I'll go back to my room to shower and change then I'll pick you up after."

"Sounds like a plan."

When I get back to the suite, Justin immediately gets in my face. "Where the hell have you been?"

I push him away. "What's it got to do with you?"

His chest touches mine as he steps into me. "I know you were with her. Drew said you took off with her suitcase."

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