Daddy loves you

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On their way home, non of them said anything. Danny kept looking over at Jessica from time to time just as he did on their way down there. Just this time Jessica never looked at Danny, she only kept her eyes on the road, while she rested her head on the window, while she had her little hand on her tiny bump. Even though Jessica forgave him, Danny understood that everything wasn't okay... He knew that something was on her mind, and was bothering her deeply. But he figured out it was best if he didn't dug any further. He knew she didn't had any control over her emotions, and she could explode at any moment.

When they pulled up in front of their home, Jessica opened the door, even before Danny parked the car and got to open the door for her. Jessica quickly walked up the stairs, and waited for Danny in front of the door, having her eyes on the doorknob. Danny slowly unlocked the door, while he kept his eyes on Jessica, and tried to gain eye contact, but Jessica never looked up at him. When he opened the door, he placed the palm of his hand on her back, an directed her inside, before Jessica pushed her chest forwards getting away from Danny's touch, making a sight escape Danny's mouth, before he closed the door behind them. Jessica pulled of her coat, and placed it on a chair beside the front door, before she slowly walked up the stairs and into their bedroom. When she got into their bedroom she couldn't hold back her tears anymore, she didn't exactly knew why she was crying, because they had sorted things out, and she knew he only was a human being and he had a reaction, that was natural. But it was still something that was bothering her.... She was scared... She was scared of everything....

She heard footsteps coming up the stairs, so she walked fast over to the bathroom and slammed the door behind her, and made sure she locked the door just when Danny stepped inside the master bedroom.

It was as if all her emotions hit her hard in the chest, and tears escaped her eyes, while her breath became heavier, making it harder for her to breathe. "Baby....!" Danny said with a soft voice. Jessica tried not to make any sound, but it became harder and harder for her to keep the sobs inside of her any longer. Danny slowly tried to open the door, but he noticed it was locked, just when he heard small noises from the bathroom, and it didn't take long before he recognized it, as Jessica's crying.

She couldn't help it, but have all different type of thought about what would going to happen in the future when she saw the reaction Danny had, just leaving her behind in the examination room, just running away from things he couldn't control. More and more tears ran down her pink cheeks before she carefully pushed her back close to the door and slide down on to the floor, while she covered her eyes with her hands. What if Danny was going to leave her, leave her and the babies once it got a little hard? Would he do that to her?.... Leave her alone with two infants?!

A soft sob escaped her lips before she could feel Danny's weight lean against the door from the other side. "Jessie?" He whispered so low that it was hard for her to hear him. "Are you okay baby?" He asked with a concerned voice. Jessica slowly place her hand on her belly, and carefully rubbed what was protecting her unborn children for 9 months. So many thoughts about her and Danny popped up in her head, and it almost made her dizzy. She couldn't take care of two new born babies by herself, even though she loved them more than anything in the world..... Jessica's body suddenly jumped when Danny tried to open the door, but it was locked. "Babe, open the door for me please!" He whispered with such soft voice it almost didn't sounded like Danny. Jessica just took a deep breath and tried to control her heavy breathing. "Be a good girl and open the door!" Danny said with a dominating voice, while he carefully touched the handle again. Jessica hesitated at first.... But she knew that maybe this was her fault, because it wasn't really anything to cry about..... He hadn't left her, at least not yet. She was just so scared.... Danny just had a reaction, she couldn't blame him for that.... It just made her think about so many thing that could possibly happen. It was just hard for her. It woke up so many different emotions in her.... And a weakness she had had her whole life was that after hiding her feelings for such a long time, it always came to a point where it all exploded, and mabey she had reached that moment.

Jessica slowly stood up, before she placed the palm of her hand on the handle, and carefully opened the door. When the door was opened completely she could feel a cold breeze hit her. Before she knew it she felt two warm hands on her shoulders, but she never looked up at him. She kept her gaze at the floor beneath her. "Princess look at me!" Danny whispered with a deep voice. Jessica didn't listen to him, because she knew that if she looked straight into those dark eyes she would only cry more. The hormones where taking over her body, and it was like being hit by a wall of emotions, and it was even worse now, since she was carrying two babies.

Danny carefully placed his thumb under her chin, and slowly raised it, forcing her to look at him, and so she did. Her hazel eyes met his almost black piercing eyes. Her bottom lip started shivering, and before neither of them got to do anything, a low sob escaped her mouth, making Danny wrap his big muscular arms around her thin frame. "Shhh...don't cry.... Babe....Hmm Why are you crying, what is wrong?" Danny asked with a concerned voice. Jessica slowly pulled away and looked at him with teary eyes. Before she held her breath, something she tend to do when she was crying. "Jessie, don't do that... Breathe.....!" Danny said with a concerned voice while he took a deep breath trying to get Jessica to do the same, something she did, and avoided a panic attack, something that had happened quite some times before. Danny knew very well that they had to do everything they could to avoid that now, since she was pregnant with twins.

Jessica slowly managed to calm down while Danny had his arms around her again. They stayed like that for some minutes without saying anything, just being in each other's arms, before Jessica suddenly interrupted the silence "You won't leave me right? You won't leave me alone with two babies?" Jessica whispered with a low voice. Danny slowly loosened his grip around her before he looked down at her with big eyes. "Jessie what are you talking about.... Is that why you are crying?" He asked almost angry. Jessica slowly nodded, before she whipped the tears away from her face. "Of course I wont, I love you and my two babies!...." Danny said while he slowly placed his big hand on Jessica's swollen belly. "I'm sorry if I made you think I could do that..... I didn't meant to run out of the doctor's office earlier..... I just got panic. It wasn't fair doing that towards you!" Danny said with a soft voice, while he rested his hand on her ass. Jessica sniffled before she looked up at Danny "I need you Danny.... Out babies need you..... !" Jessica whispered. Danny looked down at her with a little smile before he said "And I need you.... All three of you!" He said with a little smile.

Tears still ran down Jessica's face, but this time it was happy tears. It was something in Danny's statement that made her believe him. Danny placed a soft kiss on her lips, before he took her hand and directed her towards their  big bed, before he made her lay down. "Okay baby, I want you to relax...okay!" He said with a soft voice. Jessica slowly nodded while she rested her head on the pillow behind her and closed her eyes. She suddenly felt Danny's big body sit down in the bed, before he moved closer to her. Without opening her eyes she could feel that he was sitting beside her, and before she knew it Danny slowly pulled up her shirt, and placed his warm hand on her belly. Jessica quickly opened her eyes and looked at Danny who carefully touched her belly. She got a warm feeling when he touched her like that. He touched her with so much love. "Hi....daddy loves you! Daddy loves both of you so much! And I know that I make mommy very sad and angry some times, but I want both of you to know that I love her so so much.... And the next time I hurt your mom, I just want you to know that I don't mean to do it... it just happens sometimes, so can you two please tell your mom that? Daddy can be really stupid sometimes, but it's just because he is so in love with your mom!" Danny said to her tiny bump with a soft voice, while he held his lips all close to her, before he slowly placed a gentle kiss on Jessica's swollen stomach. A soft laugh escaped Jessica's lips when she saw Danny like that, which made him look up at her with love in his eyes. And without being able to control it happy tears yet again left her eyes. Danny chuckled before he moved closer to Jessica, and sat up beside her, helping her up so she could rest her back against the wall behind them. He carefully wrapped his arm around her and she rested her head on his shoulder. Danny grew a huge smile, showing his white teeth "Well aren't you full of emotions today?" He chuckled. A little laugh escaped Jessica's mouth. "Hah, I don't know what's happening with me!" Jessica laughed. "Well you are making two babies right now... so it's okay to cry... I'm here for you, you can cry on my shoulder whenever you want!" Danny said with a soft voice, almost a whisper, before he kissed the top of her head. Jessica smiled before she looked up at him with her hazel eyes "I love you Danny!" She whispered. Danny squeezed her even tighter "I love you more! I didn't even know it was possible to love someone as much as I love you!" he said with a soft voice, before he looked down at Jessica who was fast asleep resting her head on his shoulder. Danny chuckled to himself, before he whispered "God I love her!".

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