Sammy goes to jail

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Sammy:I run up after Avery once I get to her door it locked"Avery let me in"I say calmly

Avery:"no"I say trying not to cry but I failed I grab my bag that I packed open the window jump onto the roof then onto the grass and run away.

Sammy:I decide to leave her alone and go on a walk.

Avery:when I was walking into Taco Bell leaving my bag outside I see Sammy but I ignore it.

Sammy:I walk past Taco Bell and see averts back I walk inside and see her ordering food I pull up my hood so she doesn't see me she grabs her food from the guy and walks outside grabbing her bag and starting to walk again.

Sammy:I see her sprinting down the road so I pick up my pace

Avery:I get out my phone still running then call 911 and they say help is on the way.

Sammy:a cop car pulls up beside me and the cop walks over to me"woah hold up she's my niece and she ran away from me"I say

Cop:"then why did she call in tears and say someone was trying to kidnap her"I say turning him around and arresting him.

Sammy:the handcuffs dig into my skin making me wince."she ran away from me so I was trying to hide myself so she would slow down."I say

Cops:I sigh."u get one phone call once we get to the station."I say putting him into the back of a cop car.

Sammy:when we get to the police station I call Avery and she answers"Avery can u do me a favor?"I ask

Avery:"what is it?"I ask

Sammy:"call uncle gilinsky and tell him to bail me out of jail."I say

Avery:"ok"I say and hang up then call gilinsky.

Jack G:I get a call from Avery saying Sammy is in jail and I need to bail him out after I hang up I drive over to where she is and pick her up"why'd u run away?"I ask

Avery:"cuz I can"is all I say then turn and look out of the window.

Jack G:"really and why do u think that?"I ask starting to drive again.

Avery:"cuz my dads not here so I don't have to listen"I say

Jack G:I laugh"just because he's gone doesn't mean that u can't listen Avery"I say as I pull into the police station parking lot.

Avery:"whatever"I say

Jack G:"Avery u don't get that ur dad and ur uncles go through allot just to keep u safe or out of trouble and u pay us back by acting out"I say

Avery:"u know if I was gone none of u wouldn't give a damn anyway"I say getting out of the car until he grabs my arm.

Jack G:"Avery ur dad and uncles care about u so much don't u see that? We are always there when u need it and yeah we may not like it but we are still here"I say

Avery:"alright let's just get Sammy and leave"I say walking into the police office once we get Sammy he looks pissed off at me but I don't care I just turn around and walk to the door.

Jack G:"I turned 18 less than a month ago and the first thing I get to do is bail u out of jail"I say

Sammy:"shut up it's not my fault."I say

Avery:"uh yeah it is"I say turning back around.

Sammy:"I wouldn't be here if u didn't call the fucking cops"I say


Sammy:I just ignore her and we go home once we get home Jack orders pizza and I go upstairs to Avery's room where she is."can we talk?"I ask

Avery:"maybe what about?"I ask turning to face him.

Sammy:" not telling ur dad about this."I say

Avery:"well u don't have to worry about that cuz he might not be coming back for my birthday and he won't answer his goddamn phone"I say

Sammy:"if u promise to keep your mouth shut I will get him to come."" I say

Avery:"I don't have to keep my mouth shut cuz u brought this on urself"I say

Sammy:"if ur idiot mom and dad didn't get drunk that night none of this would be happening."I say hoping she didn't hear that.

Avery:"WTF SAMMY!"I yell and slap him.

Sammy:she slaps me and yells at me."YOU WHERE AN ACCIDENT AVERY! THEY WHERE BOTH YOUNG AND DIDNT WANT KIDS! YOUR MOM TRIED TO KILL HERSELF WHEN SHE FOUND OUT!"I yell and she gasps and starts crying, an goes to the bathroom locking herself in there"Avery come on out I didn't mean it."I say

Avery:"leave me alone"I cry and keep on cutting myself and blood gets all over my cloths.

Sammy:"Avery plz if u come out ill tell u anything u wanna know about ur mom"I say and she opens the door and I gasp. I get the rag and clean up her cuts then pick her up and take her laying her on the bed.

Avery:I just keep on crying in my hands"why would u say that?"I sob

Sammy:"I got mad now calm down"I say rubbing her back.

Avery:"don't touch me"I cry scooting away from him.

Sammy:"ok ok"I say getting off the bed.

Avery:"where my phone?"I ask while crying then find it in my bag and call my dad"daddy I need to stay with someone else"I cry when he answers.

Taylor:"what's wrong with Sammy?"I ask

Avery:"we got into a fight and he said I was a accident and that u and mom didn't want me"I say starting to cry again.

Taylor:"calm down baby I have a better idea"I say

Avery:"what is it?"I ask while still crying.

Taylor:"Shawn had to come back for s few days and I was gonna have him being u on tour with us"I say

Avery:"When cuz I don't wanna stay with Sammy anymore"I cry

Taylor:"ok I'll have Shawn come get u and good job on calling the cops on Sammy"I say

Avery:"thanks"I cry with a laugh then hang up and start to pack my bag.

Sammy:"what are u doing?"I ask

Avery:"I'm leaving Shawn is coming to get me"I cry and pack my makeup.

Sammy:"Avery I'm sorry do u still want to know more about ur mom?"I ask

Avery."no I'm done"I say and pick up my bags going downstairs.

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