Waiting for my rescue boat.

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My chest is tight,

My sorrow grows,

Deep within my soul,

When will the past sins,

Be washed away. 

The past trauma rushes in,

Like a blarring horn,

What can I do to end this pain,

The thought goes through my mind,

Self-harm, drugs, alcohol,

Seems like  a rainbow in the sky,

Or maybe suicide,

Not that I want my life to be over,

That is not what I want,

I just want this feelings,

To stop flooding my heart.

If I starved myself to bits,

Would this feeling go away,

I doubt it,

Because it would bring further pain,

If I got high as a cloud,

So nowhere I could think,

Maybe it would ease the pain,

That's deep within my soul.

A good night sleep or tortured dreams,

I waiting for me,

Which it is I don't know,

Sleep may be the answer,

For the darkness deep inside,

For hopefully when I wake,

A new day begins,

And my mood will shift again,

Up and down my mood goes,

Rising and falling like the waves,

I'm holding unto the feeling,

That  the wave will rise again,

Until the waves come flowing,

The depression seeps in deep,

But I will keep on holding,

Until the rescue boat appears.

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