Ch. 28: Kiss the Girl

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An hour has gone by and it's gotten pitch black. If it weren't for the lights on Perry's vehicle, I probably wouldn't be able to see a thing.

I was bored. We still had another hour of driving till we reached The Beast's Castle.

"Hey Perry, could you put on some music?" I asked the platypus.

He nodded. He was about to turn on the radio, then he hesitated, and with something of a sly grin on his face, he opened a console and dug through until he pulled out a soundtrack. I could see the CD said The Little Mermaid, The Complete Soundtrack.

Naturally I didn't mind. But Perry put it on a specific song. For a specific reason.

I knew what Perry's motive was as soon as the music started playing.

Percussion..... Strings.... Winds .....Words.

I shot daggers at the platypus. He was grinning hugely. Tiana sighed. "Seriously, Perry?"

I looked at Spring. She didn't seem to wake-up, or even stir. Thank-goodness.

There you see her
Sitting there across the way
She don't got a lot to say
But there's something about her
And you don't know why
But you're dying to try
You wanna' kiss the girl

Yes, you want her
Look at her, you know you do
It's possible she wants you, too
There is one way to ask her
It don't take a word
Not a single word
Go on and kiss the girl

I realized Spring was more beautiful than I thought. She looked very beautiful asleep like that. Leaning her head against the headrest.

Sing with me now
My, oh, my
Look at the boy too shy
He ain't gonna kiss the girl
Ain't that sad
Ain't it shame, too bad
You gonna miss the girl

Suddenly, Spring scooted over close to me and laid her head against my shoulder, still asleep. I blushed massively, as Tiana and Perry looked on. Perry had a huge grin plastered on his face. Tiana had a look of disapproval, but she just rolled her eyes and turned away.

Now's your moment
Floating in a blue lagoon
Boy, you better do it soon
No time will be better
She don't say a word
And she won't say a word
Until you kiss the girl

Don't be scared
You got the mood prepared
Go on and kiss the girl
Don't stop now
Don't try to hide it how
You wanna kiss the girl
Float along
Listen to the song
The song say kiss the girl
Music play
Do what the music say
You wanna kiss the girl

I knew Perry was only doing this to embarrass me, because they knew better than I did that Earthling's can't date or marry a Disney character. But there was one moment, just one, teeny moment, when I actually was tempted.

You've got to kiss the girl
Why don't you kiss the girl
You gotta' kiss the girl
Go on and kiss the girl

I reached for Spring's hand, and ever so slightly barely touched it, when all of a sudden, we were attacked.

A huge burst of black energy hit our hovercraft.

The hovercraft flipped over in a circle until it was right side up. Spring immediately awakened. "Wha- what's going on!?"

"We're being attacked!" Tiana and I yelled at the same time. Spring started screaming.

Suddenly, a comet storm of those balls of shadowy energy started hitting us back and forth, and I swear I could almost hear them cackling.

Perry was trying to maneuver in and out of the shadow storm, but it was quite hard.

Tiana had taken out a frying pan and started trying to wack the shadowy objects away to no avail. (I know the frying pan thing is the trademark of a different Disney Princess, but let's just roll with ok?)

One such shadow ball came straight at me and was about to barrel into my stomach. I managed to dodge it in time. But one shadow bumped the side of the vehicle. It flipped to the left. I was just barely leaning out of the hovercraft, and Spring was trying hard to lean to the right to rebalance the it. When almost had it when the unthinkable happened.

My seatbelt snapped.

"AAAGGHHHHH!" I screamed as I fell out of the vehicle.

"JAMIE!" screamed my friends. I was falling at one-hundred miles an hour. Plummeting toward the earth below. All I heard was a large POOF as I was just about to hit the ground. But I didn't. Because all of a sudden, I landed inside the back seat of Perry's vehicle.

I struggled for breath. "G-good catch."

"Jamie, are you alright?" Spring asked.

"Perry, the smoke cloud is fading! We have to go!" Tiana yelled.
I looked up to see the shadows. They had taken human forms now, flying around, looking confused inside of a cloud of smoke. Apparently Perry sent it flying out of his vehicle to come get me and keep me from hitting the ground with a splat. But Tiana was right. It was fading. But then, when one noticed us, they started combining into one huge sphere, MUCH bigger than the ship we were riding in. And immediately it started flying down toward us.

"GET OUT!" I yelled. But we were too slow. The giant ball of shadow rammed head-on into our vehicle, knocking all four of and our bags out of the hovercraft.

I tumbled through the dark void of night. I couldn't tell which way was up or down. Right or left. I was just falling through the air. I was vaguely aware of Tiana and Spring screaming somewhere off to the side.

As I hit the ground, my head fell against a rock. I heard a crack and white flashed before my eyes. Immediately I could feel the cool sensation of blood trickling down my forehead. But I was barely aware of it. My vision was giving out.

A figure walked into my vision. At first with my blurry eyes I couldn't tell who it was, until I focused more on the tall, lean figure, leaning on a long staff. But it was the top hat with the skull on it that gave it away.

"I told you, Jamie." Said the voice of Dr. Faciliar. "When it comes to my friends, I will ALWAYS win."

The last thing I saw was the witch doctor's evil grin framing the night sky above me.

And I blacked out.

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