Ch. 7: Little Einsteins

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It was a couple of hours after the incident in the palace. All the doors and windows were open, letting the stink filter out. Several of the staff were running around, making sure nothing was broken, and immediately replacing the object if it was. But all in all, the Palace itself was in perfect condition.

I had paced around on the Palace steps for a good portion of those couple of hours, trying to figure out why Mickey would need me. The only thing I knew was I was supposed to stop some sort of menace called "The Lavas of Hell" whatever that was. Was that what Mickey was summoning me for? If so, how did he expect me to accomplish it? I didn't even know if this... this being was a being at all. Did it have something to do with the destruction of The Pride Lands? The attack on Agrabah? I had a feeling they were all connected somehow, but connecting the dots proved a lot harder than I thought.

Soon, Jasmine came up to me and interrupted my thoughts.

"Your ride should be here in the next few minutes." She said. "Are there any questions you would like to ask?"

"Yeah. What's The Lavas of Hell? Why exactly am I here? Who or what is trying to destroy the World of Disney?" I asked, half-hoping Jasmine could give me the answers.

Jasmine paled. "How did you know about the Lavas of Hell?" She asked, apparently shocked.

I pulled the mirror from my back pocket. It was sticking out of my pocket, but for the most part it was covered up by my shirt, so no one has seen it.

Realization flooded the princess' eyes as she looked at the mirror. "You were spying?"

"Technically speaking, yes. I saw Mickey on Olympus, with Donald and Goofy, talking to Hercules. They were talking about a prophecy. A prophecy about me. I'm supposed to stop something called the Lavas of Hell."

Jasmine nodded, never taking her eyes off the mirror, as if it might self-destruct or something. "I'm aware of this. I'm one of the few people Mickey shared it with. I honestly don't know what the Lavas of Hell are. I mean, I have a few ideas, but none are very concrete or applicable."

"Can I hear a few of them?"

But before Jasmine could answer, her eyes averted to the sky and she grinned. "Looks like your ride's here." She pointed to the sky.

I looked in the direction she was pointing and my eyes widened as I realized what it my ride was.

It was coming toward us at amazing speeds, it's red metal fins breezing the air. Its bright red coloring reflected in the morning sunshine, almost leaving me blinded. Its little antenna sticking up on the roof and waving around in the quick breeze.

"You're kidding me." I asked Jasmine, not taking my eyes off the small ship. "They're my ride?"

"They're some of the fastest transportation available in the World of Disney. They could get from here, to New Orleans in less than two hours, whereas it would normally take a whole day on a regular plane or helicopter."

I stared as the bright red ship began to slow down and descend into Agrabah, right in front of the palace. Openings on the bottom of the ship opened, releasing four tires, which slowly lowered onto the ground. Razoul and a couple of other guards tried to intercept the ship, but Jasmine stopped them.

"It's ok, Razoul. They're here on my invitation." She told them.

Razoul sighed and stepped back. I don't blame him. This is twice in one day he wasn't allowed to do his job.

As the ship came to a complete stop, I looked inside the windshield to see four figures unbuckling their seatbelts and getting out of their chairs to climb out of the ship. The figure on the far left in the front had bright orange hair with large round glasses that encircled his small, yet curious green eyes. He wore a black and orange shirt, with dark orange shorts. He looked to be about 6 years old.

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