Ch. 39: Zero to Hero

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I glared at him for a moment. Then, quick as a flash, I pulled up my ring and pointed it at him before he had a chance to react.

Water. I thought.

The ring obeyed my command and a large spurt of water came out of my ring and hit him dead in the face. He was thrown to the ground.

"AARRGGGRHHH!" He screamed in agony.

I immediately began running across the beach. I was going to try and KEEP him away from civiliazation.

Behind me, The Firebird yelled. "You can run, Earthling, but you cannot hide!"

I didn't dare look behind me, I just ran and didn't stop.

I managed to hide behind a fairly large rock I could hear The Firebird slithering in his lava river form across the beach, hissing out to me.

"Come on out, Eathling. Show yourself. You wanted a fair fight, then you're going to have to keep your end of the bargain.

Strenghtning my courage, I jumped out of my hiding place

"Hey! Lava Face!" It wasn't the best insult, but it got his attention.

He glared at me. He was about twenty feet away from me. I shot water inbetween his eyes before he could get any closer.

He screeched. For once he almost sounded like a bird.

While he was occupied I ran around him and hid behind another rock.

Once he recovered, he shouted.. "Stop playing games, Earthling! I want a face to face fight!"

But I wasn't quite done yet. I shot another stream of water. The Firebird looked to where the water came from, but he didn't see me.

"Where are you Earthling!? Show yourself!"

I was about to jump out and shoot him again when I heard a huge explosion to my right. The rock I had just hid behind had exploded. I ran out into view before he could explode the one I was behind.

The Firebird grinned when he saw me. "Your ploy won't work much more, now will it Earthling?" He shot a fireball with great accuracy toward me. Where the heck did the fireballs come from!? I wasn't so lucky to dodge it. Because almost every one of them grazed me on some part of me or another. Finally, a fireball landed on its target. Hit me straight in the chest. I fell down to the ground and landed on my rear. I managed to put out the flames on my shirt by rolling in the sand, but I could tell this battle was starting to get heated, no pun intended.

"Haha! Now it get's fun." The Firebird shot another fireball at me, but I rolled over and dodged it. It hit a (hopefully) abandoned beach house. The building caught on fire, and started burning to the ground.

The Firebird continued shooting fire at me, and I continued dodging it. It was getting tiring, and I figured that was what The Firebird wanted. I needed some way to distract him.

"Why do you keep toying with me?" I asked him after several more rounds of this game. "Why don't you just straight out kill me? You have the power to do so."

He grinned evilly at me. "You must know something, Earthling. Everyone on this godforsaken world has hated me. They neglected me. They forgot me. I was a goner. And I knew it. I doubt I have several years before everyone on Earth forgets me. And all the rest of the Fantasia characters. Not just the Villains, but the good ones as well. Do you really think they will remember us if we don't even have proper names? That is why this world must be destroyed, along with everyone on it. Except for me and anyone who joins me. We will move to Earth, and take it over, where no one will forget us ever again! So make a choice, Earthling. You can either join with me, and go back to Earth, or you can be destroyed with all of the other characters. Your choice."

"Thanks, but I'm good. I've just got a few words for you, Firebird. Go to the Underworld."

He didn't grin as much this time. "If that's how you want it, that's how it will be."

I raised my ring. "Gladly."

He rushed at me, and started circling around me, kind of like Jafar did to Aladdin when he was a large snake. I was surrounded by lava, but I shot water at the lava in front of me, and created a hole big enough for me to run through. As soon as I ran through the hole, all the lava came crashing down on the spot I was just standing under. I turned around and shot as much water as I could at the lava monster. He shrieked and came rushing at me. I rolled to my right and shot more water. He did manage to cover me with lava. I was burning on the outside and in. I created some kind of shield made of water, and had it enlarge around me, so all the lava was off me, then I made it crash down in a tidal wave on top of The Firebird.

Amazingly, the water evaporated pretty quick, and the lava rushed at me once more. Though I was caught off guard, because when I raised my ring to shoot water, I was attacked from behind. I was flipped so my front was facing my attacker then pushed hard against a wall, and laid flat against it, held by a large hand.

The large hand shrunk until it was just around my neck. A hand completely made out of lava.

"I've got you now, Earthling. Your life ends here, and then I will destroy this world, and take over your's. Any last words you want me to pass on to your family when they come into my slavery?" He chuckled fiendishly.

I said the only thing I could think of. "Yeah. Hell called. It want's it's pet parrot back."

He looked confused. I took that confusion blasted a gigantic amount of water at the fiend. He was completely covered in the substance. I used my ring to trap him in a large sphere of water, and throw him into the ocean.

"That won't keep him for long." I told myself.

I had about one second of rest before the sea in front of me exploded and The Firebird came flying out, drying off exceptionally quick. "Earthling! I've had enough of you!"

I stared at the giant bird, contemplating what to do. About two seconds later, I had an idea.

"Die Earthling!" He came rushing at full speed over to me.

I waited until The Firbird came closer. Twenty feet. Ten feet. Five. Four. He reached out to grab me, but I quickly used my ring to shoot a tractor beam at him, encasing him in a sort of shield.

"NO!" He screamed. He struggled to move, but as long as I held him there, he was powerless.

I glared at him, and without one falter in my voice, I told him menacingly, "Long live The Firebird." And then I whirled around three times, creating a massive amount of velocity, and on the third whirl, I flung him into the sky. He, still trapped in his shield, flew until he rammed through the atmosphere. A huge explosion erupted high, high in the sky, probably into space.

I watched the beautiful explosion take place and sighed one more time.

I had done it.

Then I collapsed.

Heroes of Disney #1: Rise of the FirebirdWhere stories live. Discover now