Ch. 40: A Star is Born

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I woke up back in my bed in Mickey's Safe House.

Around me were familiar faces. Jasmine, Tiana, Dad and Mickey.

"Welcome back." Jasmine said with a grin plastered on her face.

"Wha-how did I get here?" I asked.

"King Triton contacted us here and told us that they found you lying unconscious on Caspian Beach. Would you mind explaining to us what exactly happened?" Mickey said.

I explained what happened when I got separated from the group, about Ariel saving me, about Phineas and Ferb, and about the defeat of The Firbird.

They stared in awe as I talked about how I defeated The Firebird. When I was done explaining, my dad said, "You actually did it."

I nodded. "I know. But it was all pure luck."

"Don't say that Jamie. Give yourself some credit." Tiana scolded. "You saved us in New York. You saved us at the Hundred Acre Woods.

"You rescued us from the prison. You got us out."

"And you, with your smarts, defeated The Firebird. One of the greatest threats to our society." Jasmine concluded.

"But...we're not done yet!" I stammered. "What about the Realms? What about Aladdin, and Hercules and Belle! And the missing Beauty and the Beast characters! And Phineas and Ferb! Are they ok!?"

Mickey placed his hand on my shoulder. "Jamie, they're fine. When we came to pick you up in Rocket, we noticed the damage and got Phineas and his friends out. They're fine. Perry's with them."

"And plus, they're not completely dead, Jamie." Tiana reassured, regarding Aladdin, Belle and Hercules. They're particles are just scattered. We can find a way to restore them to their normal forms.

"This was a huge blow to the Villains." Mickey put in. "Hopefully we'll be able to rest for the time being."

"And speaking of resting, you've been asleep for almost two days straight. When we got you here, you were a mess. You were filthy, had burnt holes in your clothes, a major concussion, and pigeon poop in your hair. I won't ask how that happened." Jasmine said.

I glanced down at myself for the first time. I was dressed in a plain red t-shirt, and blue jeans. My backpack was lying next to my shoes on the floor. I brought my hand up to my head and felt a piece of cloth wrapped around my head, probably for the major concussion I had had.

"Jamie, why don't you come on outside? Get some fresh air." Mickey stated. "We'll be waiting out there for you."

They all left one by one. Jasmine left last, giving me a smile as she closed the door behind her.

I sat on my bed, and contemplated what had happened over the past few days. I couldn't believe I actually defeated The Firebird. I couldn't believe I actually saved the World of Disney. Well, mostly.

I got up and put my shoes on. I walked out of my room and to the front door. As soon as I opened it, I was tackled by Spring with a giant hug.

"Jamie! Oh Jamie! I'm never letting you go again!" She pulled back and kissed me on both of my cheeks and more cloth-covered forehead.

I smiled. "I'll try not to leave anytime soon."

She didn't seem satisfied with that answer, but she hugged me again anyway.

I turned to my friends, and father, who were just standing by, witnessing the awkward scene.

I cleared my throat. "Thank you all, everyone. I'm very grateful to all of you. I never would have been able to complete this mission without help from several people. But the world is not completely safe. The Firebird might be gone, but his minions still reign on. We need to be careful. Several characters are missing as well. We need to search as hard as we can to find them, and the answer to restoring the realms to what they once were. Who's with me?"

There was a loud cheer as everyone yelled at once. I grinned at the two princesses, Mickey, my father and Spring. Kate was also there, giving me a thumbs-up.

They smiled back. I knew my family was probably worried about me, but there was no way I could abandon the World of Disney. I wouldn't, not in a million years.

I was Jamie Herinson. I was the Earthling who saved the world. I was the Hero.

The Hero of Disney.


Heroes of Disney #1: Rise of the FirebirdWhere stories live. Discover now