Ch. 36: Daughters of Triton

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The eleven of us looked at each other in horror and then began spiraling out of the underwater meeting room, into the underwater foyer, and out into the underwater courtyard.

What we saw frightened us all.

Towering high above us, swimming in giant circles, was Monstro the whale, who didn't seem to have given up after we drove him off last time.

The monstrous whale from Pinocchio let out an ear-deafening roar.

I looked at my companions. "Anyone here speak whale?"

No one responded. The joke fell on deaf-ears.

All around us, merpeople were swimming around in panic, not sure what to do with themselves. They were carting around belongings, children, and various fish pets.

King Triton roared over the already roaring crowd. "Everyone! Stay calm! Those of you who cannot physically breathe underwater, vacate to the escape pods this instant!"

Only a few people had actually stopped and listened. Everyone else were still running around like crazy.

"I will take care of it, sire!" Sebastian stated and he swam away to alert the guards.

Triton turned to his oldest daughter. "Attina. Find your sisters. Tell them to help Sebastian find any non-underwater people and animals and force them to go to the escape pods."

"Yes father." And she swam off to find Aquata, Andrina, Arista, Adella, Allana and Ariel.

Meanwhile, Monstro was getting ready to attack the shield again. I could already see small visible cracks forming on the once invisible shield. If I wasn't out of here when Monstro broke that shield, I would drown. Or be crushed by the water pressure. Or both.

Triton turned to us, his voice barely rising above the screaming crowd. "Go now, all of you. If that shield breaks and you are not inside the escape pods, you will not survive."

"It's ok, Triton. Thanks for your help, but we can just take Rocket." Mickey stated. Then turned to us. "Let's go, everyone."

We all nodded and followed Mickey over to where Rocket was parked.

We ran, or rather half-swam, half-ran, down the cobbled streets of the Atlantican marketplace. All the once opened vendors were now all closed down.

Monstro pummeled the shield once again, causing a great shock wave to go through the city, knocking us all to the ground.

"We've got to hurry!" Mickey yelled as he got back up and continued, followed suit by Kate, Jasmine, Tiana, Dad, Spriing and Perry. I took up the caboose.

We had almost made it when I heard a shrill cry. "Help!"

The voice made me stop in my tracks. It sounded like a little girl.

I knew I had to let it go. My friends and father were already way ahead of me. But if there was a little girl in need of help, I needed to help her.

I looked around until I spotted a large rock in the middle of an alleyway. The cry for help was emanating from there.

I quickly swam over to the rock and looked around the other side until I spotted a little mermaid (har har har). The girl couldn't have been more than eight years old, and she had long flowing black hair. Her mermaid tail was caught underneath the boulder, keeping her from escaping.

She had tears in her eyes as she tried to pull her tail out to no avail. "Help, please!" She cried out to me.

I knelt down. "Don't worry, sweetie, you'll be alright." Then I examined the rock. It wasn't too large, but it still looked extremely heavy. I couldn't lift it, but maybe I could push it.

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