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You can't blame gravity for falling in love.
- Albert Einstein

T H E  P R I N C E S S

- Alexia Bella De La Rosa -


BULLETS shot out from the tip of my gun as I hit the targets head, heart and shoulder.

Bullseye, I thought as a smirk etched across my lips as my eyes trailed down to the cold piece of metal that my fingers latched around in a tight embrace.

I took off my headphones and placed them down, emptying my gun and placing it on the ledge with a clatter. Walking out of the gun range, stowed away in the basement of my families mansion, my fingers brushed my long pony tail back over my shoulder and I exited the room. A heave puffed from my lips as I shouldered through the heavy door and closed it behind me with a slam that echoed throughout the empty room.

Just ahead, a small beam of light appeared that instantly flooded my vision as I entered into the main house, the silence I once invited was gone. 

On entering the hall, I met eyes with my brother and I found that a brisk smile appeared on my lips as he returned the gesture. I was close to my family and I knew that I could trust them with anything, including my life. 

"Lex, papá is calling for you," My eldest brother, Andrew informed me, his eyes scanning over me as he took in my reaction with caution. This caused a sudden rush of nerves to surface and the hairs on my arms stood at the possibilities of the kind of conversation I was about to have.

I loved my father and I was his princessa. A fair but gust man, he was and there was no-one on this earth that I respected more than him.

Nodding obediently, I said nothing and silently brushed past him, feeling his gaze linger upon me as I made my way down the never ending corridor, passing by the maids, who lowered their eyes and rounding the corner, my heels clattering against the marble flooring.

Without knocking, I entered the office, my nose suddenly hit with an overpoweringly strong smell of cigars, expensive cologne and chestnuts. The air was thick with smoke and my eyes burned, darting around the space for any abnormal signs. 

As soon as the door had clicked shut behind me, my father looked up from the files that he looked completely engrossed in and a small but fleeting smile appeared across his lips. Stroking a hand across his dark beard that was peppered with grey, the papers in his hands dropped in a disorderly manner and he pushed them away, raising a hand, pointing to the leather chair before him.

"You called for me?" Taking a seat, I sucked in a breath if air and eased into the cushion of the leather, forcing my body to relax.

Silence enveloped the two of us, giving me time to look around at my surroundings, once again. What had my attention returning back to my father was the blank expression that suddenly replaced the slight smile. His usually relaxed features had grown strained and I could suddenly see the age in his features.

The nerves I tried to fight off had won and I schooled my expression to remain neutral.

", it would seem we have something to discuss..." 

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