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Come sleep with me, we won't make Love, Love will make us
- Julio Cortázar


- Alexia Fernandez -


IT HAD BEEN a long and never-ending amount of time since the incident.

"Damien," I called out. Searching around the whole entire house took up nearly an hour. I still couldn't find wear Damien was.

"Damien, Dam-," I felt a cold liquid run down my leg and my eyes immediately widened. .

I screamed.

"What's wrong?" Damien came running, eyes as wide as gold balls. Looking around for the cause of my scream and not finding anything remotely around, Damien straightened.

"The- the baby." Was all I could utter before Damien's jaw dropped and he ran towards me, scooping me up in his arms as he ran for the car.

We got into the car and he raced us there. Placing a comforting hand in my knee as he spoke soothingly to calm me down.

What felt like hours later, the baby was ready to come out and I'd never been more scared in my whole entire life.

"I'm going to need you to push as hard as you can." The doctor said, standing at the foot of the bed as she looked up at me and then back down.



"Three," Loud and murderous screams escaped my lips as I gripped onto Damien's hand, crushing it until he himself withered in pain.

"Come on baby you can do it," Damien spoke through gritted teeth, trying hard to ignore the pain that I was causing him.

"Harder." Damien begged, brushing his other hand over my arm.

"Shut the f*ck up, you aren't the one doing this!" I screamed at him, the pain becoming almost too unbreakable.

Layers of sweat covered my forehead as I cried out. "I'm never letting you touch me again Damien Fernandez."

This time Damien stiffener under my tight grip. "Mi amor, you don't mea-" Sending him dagger eyes to shut him up, I held his hand even tighter.

And finally, the pain stopped.

Closing my eyes, I waited eagerly for the baby to be placed into my arms with a smile.

"Can I hold him," I asked with eager eyes.

"Of course," Damien beamed as he passed me our baby boy.

"What's his name?" The doctor asked with a satisfied smile.

Staring up at Damien and back down at the little prince, I grinned.


Five years later.

"Theo Rico Fernandez, get your butt down here! Right now," I screamed as the little devil ran around the house.

Having enough of it all, I crossed my arms over my chest and shouted for the other equally childish baby of mines. "Damien."

Damien was stuck in his office so calling him for help would simply be of no use.

"Theo. Por favor, come here, mamá wants to tell you something." A silent minute was soon interrupted when the sound of pattering feet across the marble floor caught my attention instantly.

Theo stood before me, his grin wide and mischievous.

"What did I say about having sweets in the morning. Hm." I scolded him, behind down to fix his shirt as he swayed on the balls of his feet, a mischievous look glinting in his eyes.

"Sorry mamá." He frowned, leaning in to place a small kiss on my nose.

Smiling at this, I kissed his cheek and rubbed his arm gently. "It's okay mi precioso."

Standing up at full height, which wasn't all that high at all, I took hold of his hand and began to walk. "Come." He followed behind me obediently and then watched me as I took a seat on the couch then patted my lap for him to come and sit on.

"What would you like to do?" I asked him, running my hands through his hair, waiting for an answer.

"Papá told me he was gonna' teach me to fight." Theo absolutely adored his Papá and pair of them were simply inseparable.

But he was a mamá boy. That was for sure.

"I think papá's busy right now in his office. Maybe later." Theo nodded absentmindedly, completely distorted with the material of my shirt.

"Why don't you go and play with yours toys?" At this, he leapt up from my lap and ran off. With a smile, I watched him.

A hand brushed against my shoulder causing me to look up.

Meeting with those eyes I became so familiar with, I grinned.

"Hi." Smiling down at me, Damien leaned in. "Hey."

Pecking my lips softly, he took a seat by my side and pulled me into his chest.

"How did the meeting go?" I asked him, breaking the comfortable silence.

Humming in response, he tucked his head into the crook of my neck. "It was alright. The deal was made and at a reasonable price." Nodding at this, I closed my eyes.

There were times where I wished I had nothing to do with this life and what it had to bring.

But because of times like this, I didn't regret a thing.

Damien would always be one of the best things in my life and that was all because of what was written for me and him, the minute I was born. To strengthen our two familias an alliance was formed.

The Mafia Alliance.


Thanks you so much for reading this book, I appreciate it a lot and I've had so much fun writing it.

I would appreciate it even more if you guys could maybe go and check out my other books.

If you're interested in another mafia book by me, go check out 'The Death Of Me' it's a little different from this one but I'm confident that it's just as good, if not, better. :)

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