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I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it
- Audrey Hepburn


- Damien Fernandez -


THROWING a right hook, I bounced towards and backwards, dodging each punch that was thrown in my direction.

My eyes flickered down to his stomach, noticing that he left that area free for damage. Just as I was about to lunge frowned and throw the last punch which would inevitably end the match, a voice stopped me mid action.

"Master Damien, your father is requesting for you to join him in the sitting room," The maid piped up as she held a basket full of fresh, poker straight clothes, one hand keeping the basket perched up against her hips as the other kept the door from shutting on her face.

Looking back to my opponent, I nodded, watching as he silently returned the gesture before he turned around and left the room.
"Okay I'll be there in a minute," I told her.

After gulping down half a bottle of water, I pulled on a shirt, swivelling around as I left through the door that the maid held open for me.

The only sound audible was the hearable thumps of my feet against the marble flooring.

"You called," I muttered as I took seat down opposite from my padre, taking into account the serious aura that currently surrounded us.

"My niño I have some news for you," He started, crossing his leg over the other, a glass of bronze liquid held in his hands as he took a sip.

"What is it padre," I asked him leaning forward on the couch, his narrowed into slits as I waited for him to speak up.

"You are getting married in 2 weeks," He replied, downing the drink in one go, a look of pride shining in his eyes as he looked me over.

Unable to string a sentence together, I blinked, my eyes still trained on my padre.

"You can't possibly expect me to go along with this." I shouted slamming my fists against the table angrily.

"Damien Fernadez sit down right this instance," My padre shouted back, his eyebrows furrowed as his eyes filled with fire. Scoffing out loud, I shook my head and paced around the room.

"She is perfect for you and I'm pretty sure you will be
ha -," He started, composing himself as he took his seat on the sofa once again.

"Happy? Happy about what? Happy about marrying some estupida niña for the sake of some sort of business deal?" I sneered, watching his anger rise as each word left my very lips.

"Well go on who is the 'lucky' girl," I spat, an uninterested look hanging on my face by a thread.

"Alexia Bella La Rosa," he replied back sharply, fixing his tie as my eyes widened.

"Alexia? You mean my childhood best friend, Alexia," I asked spinning around to face him.

"Sí, you see since the moment she was born, her padre and I made an agreement to marry you both when she turns 20- which just so happens to be tomorrow." He said grinning at me smugly,
his eyes burning with pride.

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