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Never close your lips to those whom you have already opened your heart
- Charles Dickens


- Alexia Fernandez -


AFTER OUR SHORT but truly amazing honeymoon, Damien and I hadn't been able to stay apart. We were simply inseparable.

Months had passed and I couldn't help but enjoy the new way of live in which I quickly became accustomed to.

Staring into the mirror, I tucked a staring of hair behind my ear and ran my fingers through my long locks.

I was waiting for Damien to come home so that we could sit and enjoy dinner together.

The door slammed shut and I knew exactly who it was.

Gliding down the stairs, my eyes searched for Damien.

He stood with his back facing me as he slammed the cupboard shut.

"Damien I-," I started, a smile strung upon my lips as I stood on the last step, watching him intently.

"Where the ice?" He asked without sending me a single glance.

His voice was harsh and cold and it would seem as though he wasn't in a good mood at all.

"Ice?" He snapped, catching my attention. His tone caused my eyes to widen in shock.

"Excuse me," I hissed, unable to understand how he could be so cold and detached from me.

Especially since he spoke to me in that tone.

"I'm not in the mood," he replied through gritted teeth.

Scoffing at this, my heels clicked against the ground as I furiously stormed towards him.

My fists balled at my sides as I snatched the bronze-filled glass from his grasp. "What crawled up your ass?" I snapped, annoyed with his tone and choice of words.

"Nothing." He started, his eyes closing tightly as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Just, the business went wrong, okay! Get off my case." He rolled his eyes and sent me a short glance.

"Don't you dare bring your act like that towards me. I haven't done anything. Leave the damn business problems at the door! I'm your wife culo," I spat at him, spinning on my heel and turning away from him.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that." He raised his voice this time. Like an untamed beast, he roared.

"Are you going to stop me?" I questioned him with a raised eyebrow.

Grinding his teeth, Damien muttered sour words under his breath. "I knew coming here would be a f*cking mistake."

"What was that?" I hissed, my eyes narrowed into thin slits as I shot him a harsh and deathly glare.

"I said-" He began with a vindictive smile. "I shouldn't have f*cking come here! God, sometimes all you're good for is giving headaches." He screamed back, his voice hoarse at the sudden rise in octave.

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