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And we are put on this earth, a little space, that we might learn to bear the beams of love
- William Blake


- Alexia Bella De La rosa -

WE got to the garage and Damien fished into his pocket, pulling out a set of car keys. He led me past all of the expensive cars that were parked symmetrically side by side. We stopped in front of a Matte Black Lamborghini. It was gorgeous.

"Wow," I muttered under my breath. Hearing a light chuckle coming from Damien, I turned my head to glance at him. He walked over to my side opening the door for me like a true gentle man.

"Ah, so I see chivalry isn't dead quite yet," I laughed, watching the way he grinned like a mere child.

"Not yet," He shut the door and jogged over to the driver seat, slipping into the leather coated seat.

A brief silence overcame the two of us as I allowed him to concertante on reversing out into the driveway. Once we were on the road, I turned to look at him with a small smile.

"So where are we going?" I asked, my eyes shifting to the window, to take notice of the scenery.

"We're going to eat at my favourite restaurant. I love going and hopefully you'll enjoy it too," he replied, keeping his eyes on the road, but allowing himself to glance at me shortly just as I had done with him.

"It's called Especia," he said, answering the question that lingered around in my mind.

On hearing the name, I almost jumped out of my seat.

"That's my favourite restraunt!" I beamed. A shocked look overcoming me.

"Seriously?" he asked, a chuckle escaping his lips, a spark glimmering in his dark eyes as the smile on my lips brightened.

"Yes!" I nodded rapidly, shaking my head with a laugh.

After moments of small conversations, we'd finally arrived.

Not waiting for him, I stepped out from my side of the car and waited for him to join me.

Once Damien had reached mr side, he slyly snakes an arm around my waist, causing me to send him a challenging look after taking notice of his action as well as the devilishly handsome grin that remained plastered to his face.

"I have a reservation for Fernandez," He stated with confident and stern voice, after we'd entered through the doors and stood in the waiting area.

"Yes of course right this way," The waiter nodded firmly, leading us through the busy room, slithering in between tables with 2 menus under his arm.

I smiled nervously as the whole time the waiter kept sneaking glances at me from over his shoulder. If was rather uncomfortable for me considering I was here with Damien and not him.

Noticing the looks, Damien cleared his throat, sending a stone cold flare his way as the waiter fumbled with the menus, placing them down on the table before smiling my way, a scoff escaping Damien's lips as he did so.

"Bastard," Damien muttered eyeing the waiter who had quickly managed to escape from his painful glare.

"It's fine. Stop getting so worked up," I whispered to him from across the table, placing a hand on his clenched fist as it rested on the table.

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