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Every great love starts with a great story
- Nicholas Sparks


- Alexia Bella De La rosa -


THE MORNING LIGHT seeped through the curtains as my tired self was now fully charged and bursting with excitement, nervousness and most definitely happiness.

I looked over my shoulder at the clock and read that it was just last 10 O'clock.

I let out a sigh and felt the empty space beside me with a sullen expression.

Damien was forbidden from looking at me until I was walking down the isle, much to my dismay.

The last time I'd seen him was when we were still planning and I was without a dress.

Choosing to get out of bed before I'd be forced to, I tread down the corridor. It was completely and utterly silent, not a word could be heard.

But as I walked further down the hallway, the silence suddenly seized and transitioned into the collision of voices.

Everyone was rushing around, adorned from head to toe in luxurious outfits fit for today.

"Ah. She's here!" my mamá beamed, rushing to my side with a grin fit for a madwoman.

"Come on, mi flora. It is time to get you ready," My tía told me, brushing her soft hands over my shoulders.

Nodding with eager eyes, I was lead back up the corridor I had just walked down and ushered into a room situated at the end of the never ending corridor.

As we entered, my eyes lit up. My wedding dress was hung up looking absolutely stunning, the elegant material untouched.

"Come." My mamá smiled, pulling me towards a seat and pushing me into it with a gentle touch.

I sat down and looked into the vanity mirror with a big smile plastered onto my face.

"Ready to get dolled up darling?" A woman piped in. I was told of the stylist who'd done makeup and hair for many brides and so with a confident nod, I allowed her to get started.

Bright blue eyes flashed with joy as she picked up a brush and began with my hair.

After an hour of tugging on strands of hair and painting my face with makeup to match the occasion, I was finally ready.

"Finished." She grinned as she tucked the comb into her pouch, allowing me to take a peak in the mirror at the finished look.

My eyes widened.

"I love it," I gushed, a rush of joy overcoming me as I turned to look at my mamá.

"Beautiful," my abuela grinned, clasping her hands together as each of the woman present in the room gushed over my hair and makeup.


- Damien Fernandez -

I exited the spare bedroom and made my way downstairs and past the room Alexia was supposedly getting changed in and it took everything in me to not barge in just to see her.

With a sigh, I continued on to find my hermanos and primos seated with Alexia's hermanos.

With cigars and glasses of alcohol glued to their hands I rolled my eyes. "Is it not too early for this?" Catching each of there eyes, deep chuckles erupted amongst them.

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