Part 2

333 31 22

Tsuzuku P.O.V

I forced myself up, my limbs aching as I did so. My computer had been left on since this morning, and it had magically lit up with a new message. I knew who it was from.

I sauntered over to the bright light coming from my desk. I dragged my feet slightly, and when I got there I read the message properly:

Tomorrow, yes? No more suffering, I want to meet you. You know where. 2am.

I lifted my hands to the keyboard to type, not bothering to take a seat in front of the computer first. As I started typing, I noticed my hands were no longer their usual colour. Crimson blood was dripping from open cuts. Caused by that bottle.

Why did I have to cause such pain to myself?

I didn't wipe the blood, however. Instead, I typed my reply, although there was nothing else to say:

Okay - don't tell anyone you are meeting me. 2am.

~The next afternoon~

The night dragged on so painfully slowly. And so did the day. And I sat there with my dog and my phone.

This was my last task. I dialled his number and waited... it went to voicemail. Fucking Ryoga... he never answers my calls anymore...

Aki. I rang Arlequin's vocalist.

"TSUUUZUUUKUN!" Such a happy tone, "What is it?" You could almost hear the smile he always had on his face.

"Ne," I spoke as casually as I could manage, even though the crippling headache of alcohol and no sleep was killing me, and the twisting ache of nothingness in my gut made me numb of all emotions,

"Aki-kun. Do you think you could look after my dog? Just for a few days? I need to go out of my town for a few days to visit my mother..."

"Sure Tsu! When can I pick her up?"

"Any time now would be convenient."

"I'll be there as soon as I can!"


After hanging up, I picked up the little dog and cradled her in my arms. She looked just like Harami, my last dog, whom I also loved dearly. However his days ended a long while ago now. The little canine in my arms continued to pant contentedly as I slowly stroked her belly. This was the last time. Sorry.

As I went to tickle her chin, she moved suddenly and started attacking my hand with happy licks of affection mixed with worry. She had noticed the scars. I sighed. Dogs don't get that attached to people. She'll cope without me.

I put the dog down again after a while and got up to get a glass of water, before gulping it down quickly along with some painkillers, until it went the wrong way and I ended up spluttering and choking so that I could breathe once again. Finally, I succeeded, just in time to hear the doorbell sound. Aki was never late.

I wiped the remaining drops of water from the corners of my mouth before pulling my sleeves past my knuckles, hooking the material over my thumbs to cover any evidence of the acts of self-hatred from the night before. I unlocked the door, and there stood Aki, clad in a baggy hoodie and skinny jeans, with pristine white pumps. I stitched a smile onto my face as I greeted him, but I did not invite him in. My apartment was far too messy for such a man to see. I was ashamed.

Gathering a bag of her favourite dog food, her little purple lead and tiny Chihuahua dog treats that she adored, I stuffed them into a bag before bringing them to Aki, who still had a huge grin on his face.

"I'll text you when I'm back, okay? Sorry about this." I politely apologised to the man. And then I called her. Oblivious to what was happening today, the tiny canine trotted over, and I lifted her into my arms once more, gently, treasuring the last time I would be with the one thing that made me cope. I smiled to her as she wagged her thin little tail at me, not caring that Aki was stood just in front of me, watching my every move. He understood.

"Goodbye, my girl." I fought back the tears that threatened to escape. I loved my dog, still. Finally, I lifted her to be level with my eyes and I softly kissed her forehead. She returned the action by attempting to lick at my nose happily. I chuckled half-heartedly.

As I handed her to Aki, the sleeve of my jumper became loose and lifted slightly, and as the man received the dog into his arms, a flash of concern appeared on his face,

"You okay man?"

I nodded, smiling,

"Just burnt myself while cooking – but you know I can't cook to save my life anyway." I forced a laugh out, unable to tear my eyes away from my precious dog he now held in his arms.

"Well, take care of yourself, okay Tsu? I want to see you as soon as you get back. And I'm sure she does too!" The man nodded towards the dog, and I laughed again, before he said his goodbyes,

"Thanks Aki. I hope she behaves well."

I waved to him as he exited the corridor into the lift, a tear leaking from one eye, mouthing to him hopelessly, 'Don't leave me alone... not when I'm like this...'

But todays the day, Tsuzuku.

I took a deep breath before heading back into my apartment. Sinking to the floor, I reminded myself,

Todays the day.


Finally, JUMP got updated~. Poor dog :( Poor Tzk :(        Please continue to support Tzk, (like you have always been of course) He really needs it (in real life) and he loves hearing from you all :) Please vote and please please leave a comment about what you think of JUMP so far. Follows are also appreciated :) Thanks <3

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