Part 7

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A/N: (No recap so look back please, I know its been so long I love you all) I'm back and this chapter was pretty much completed from last year, I edited it just now and here it is. Not the end though ;)

*Potentially Triggering please don't read if you are triggered by the topics in the story*


He lay there on the floor, his tear soaked cheeks being cupped by Koichi's trembling hands, his sore eyes wide open as if he were in a state of shock, tears flowing from them, glistening under the moonlight. His body shook just as much as Koichi's hands and his chest rose and fell a scarily quick rate. I couldn't begin to imagine what he was feeling like.

But it wasn't over.

A pair of plain eyes that had been watching us looked away again. Meto noticed it too.

Meto P.O.V

We both stared wide eyed at the mysterious other man as he looked away and back down, tears dribbling down his cheeks, an angry expression contorting his face. He seemed unfocused, yet still we could sense the determination radiating from his body. Numbness consumed me as I watched him contemplate life. I tried to comprehend what to say, but it felt impossible. I didn't believe I could help him – especially as he didn't know me – even though I wanted to stop him.

He shifted his fingers that gripped onto the railings, into a better position, I supposed.

I looked at MiA, who was just as shocked as I was. His eyes darted to meet mine for a second before returning to the boy.

The boy's hair blew in the breeze, each strand resting at a different position on his head as the wind softly pushed it. I heard him sniff. He murmured something I couldn't even begin to comprehend. He took a deep breath...

MiA took a step forward, opening his mouth to speak to the stranger,


...And then the boy fell.

We didn't look over the railings. We didn't need to see any more. I felt numb with the fear that ate my body up. I felt numb knowing I could've at least tried to help him if I had just noticed him a few seconds earlier.

MiA finally broke down, his face tensing as he tried to hold back the persistent tears, two hands coming up to his face to hide his crying, as he tried to control himself to avoid disturbing the others. I crawled over to him, kneeling close and held him against me as he began sobbing into my chest, his arms wrapped around me tightly. The wind blew gently past us, blowing my tears down my cheeks. They fell from my chin onto MiA's hair.

And I stroked MiA's soft hair, listened to the suppressed crying that escaped his lips coupled with the sobs of Koichi too, and I shut my eyes wishing that it would all be over. Wishing there was a way to wake up from this nightmare of reality. I wished someone would come and take me away and make me forget the past few months.

Aki P.O.V

It took a few minutes, but with the repetition of 'Tsuzuku's with them' playing in my head, I was able to calm myself down just a bit – just enough to force myself over to them. I dropped to my knees beside the raven haired man who lay still on the ground, his chest rising and falling stably. He was noticeably shaking though, his legs and arms quivering.

I couldn't fully comprehend tonight – I was definitely not expecting this to happen ever.

I kept my eyes on Tsuzuku, the way his eyes continued to leak tears even though he appeared calm, the way he still trembled even though he was back with us. He lifted his gaze slowly, focusing on Koichi who was crying over him, their faces only inches apart as Tsuzuku's head lay on Koichi's thighs.

"Koi...chi..." He muttered, his voice barely working after all of the screaming, shouting, crying he had done. He raised a limp left hand, bringing it up to rest against Koichi's left cheek, catching tears with his thumb. He watched as the glistening drops of despair ran onto his thumb – some splitting and creating a tiny wet puddle, some continuing their journey to the ground, running onto his hand and onwards. I watched as he watched the boy, as if he hadn't seen him in a while, as if he were shocked to be near him again.

Tsuzuku P.O.V

I hadn't been this close to him in a long time.

Why was he crying?

His pink hair fell around his face as he cried, his eyes puffy and wet. He shut them tightly still, his teeth clenched together as he cried more and more, but his gentle hands never left my face. I hadn't paid much attention to myself due to my state of mind. But now I realised I could barely speak or swallow due to my throat feeling so dry and scratchy.

"Koi...chi..." I half whispered, bringing up a hand to stroke his face. His flow of tears carried on onto my skin. I watched them calmly. A hand was placed in my right hand and I moved my gaze down to it, before following the arm to find out who it was.

"Aki..?" He was sweating, his blonde hair stuck to his forehead and cheeks as he forced himself to smile at me. As he smiled, more tears erupted from the corners of his eyes. He blinked them away, trying to appear happy, but he knew I could see through it.

Meto P.O.V

A female scream was heard from below us. Then another from someone else.

He had been found.

Both Aki and Koichi looked up at us, their eyes shifting between us and the railings. A blanket of silence fell over us for a few seconds as we listened...

"What is it?" I heard a man shout now.

There was no reply, but he spoke again, this time his voice directly below where the boy had fallen,

"Oh my god..." A pause,

"Please leave I will deal with this appropriately..."

It sounded as if more people began to gather now, as more chattering could be heard.

I nudged MiA, who was slouched against me.

"We... we have to... lets go..." I felt lifeless, useless, a waste of space.


To all: I didn't know how to end the chapter, but please leave comments theyre important since I haven't been here a while and want to know how you all are,,

To frequent readers: I'm back and am going to put cheki on hiatus and start the Tzk x Meto werewolf one, I hope you find it as exciting as I do!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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