Chapter 3

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Evie raced over to the young villain, squealing with unkempt joy. "He's so cute!" She gushed, gripping the edges of his cheeks as she wiggled them, much to Carlos' terror. "He has the looks to be a prince!"

Carlos muttered a few highly unintelligible words. "Ah!" Evie ignored and continued to praise the boy. "And your hair! It's so white and pure! Like fresh snow on a winter's day!"

"He's not Snow White, Evie." Jay deapanned. Evie flicked off the comment as she continued her movement around the younger villain.

Her gaze then tightened as she turned the boy's head. "What's with all your gashes and bruises?" Mal slammed her hands over her ears as the daughter of the Evil Queen screeched once more.

"Did you fight a dragon? Oh, you must by the son of a King!" She leaned closer, staring him in the eyes. "Who's your father? Cruella must have married someone rich and powerful!"

Evie's mind picked up her list of Kings. "Is it King Charming? King Zahbar? Wait, maybe your father had left you! Alright, how about King Ferdinand? King Walla-"

"That's enough!" Mal shouted, catching the attention of her friend as she sighed. "E, he can't be the son of a Prince." She watched as the villain's hopes shattered. "But why?" The woman asked, eyes glimmering with tears.

Mal's gaze turned grey. "Because we live on the Isle of the Lost. E, what type of people live here?" She inquired, speaking as if she was talking to a toddler.

The other woman turned her gaze downward. "Villains." She whispered, voice cracking. Mal nodded. "That's good. Now Jay don't you have something to say to me?"

Carlos twisted his vision, staring at the older boy who was his first acquaintance called Jay. "What did you say to her?" He spoken slearly, but cringed as the son of Jafar glared him down. "None of your business, Powder."

"Hey!" Evie punched the man's back, thought it barely made her point clear. "Don't say that to him!"

Jay held up his hands in surrender. "Fine. And Mal?" The girl hummed in repsponse. "I am so not sorry for what I said."

Mal let out a sputtering squawk as her girl comrade nearly died of laughter. "Evil." He reminded, finger rubbing together to make a sharp snap. Evie paused as she noticed a small, glittering object tucked inside his palm.

"Jay, what do you have there?"

The young villain groaned as the others swiftly turned their attention onto him. "I swear, you're the only person who can tell, E."

Evie grinned brightly back. "Just trying to get the evilness I'm born to have one day!" She cheered. But her voice died out as Mal grumbled irritably. "Born to have, Evie. That means we should have already had it." She pointed out grimly.


She then spun on her heels to Jay, who cringed, gripping his round object tighter. "Show us." The girl commanded, and Jay barely have a fight before falling his watchful gaze. He slowly unraveled his find, picturing a bright green gem, covered with dirt.

"Took it off the Queen of Hearts when she was admiring some stupid deck of cards." He chuckled as Evie's eyes sparkled when she caught sight of the jewel.

Mal nodded approvingly. "Nice find, Jay." She high fived the other preteen. "Is it yours or your fathers?"

Jay stared at her as if the answer was obvious. "Duh, mine!" He scoffed. "Why would I give my father something that could get me food for days?"

Mal shrugged, Evie mirroring the action. "Maybe because he's been making you steal for him." She suggested. Jay turned his back on her, disgusted by the statement. "My father's been so crazy lately. I mean, stealing was Aladdin's thing! Why do I have to act like a hero?"

"Woah!" Carlos shouted, joining in. "Can I see that?" He questioned the man he had just met minutes ago, finger pointing towards the jewel.

Jay gripped the jewel with his pinkie and thumb, waving it tauntingly. "If you want it, come get it." He said. Carlos just smiled back, not at all phased. "Ok!"

The guy laughed. "Oh wow, you're actually going to try? Good luck, newbie, because I have the best hawk eyes you'll ev-what?" He shot at Evie, who pulled her hand back from prodding at his shoulder. She said no words, but gestured to where Carlos sat.

"Nice!" Carlos inspected the gem closely, flicking off the scraps of dirt attached to the sides. Jay's mouth went agape, and Mal mentally shot out a bombastic laugh. "An Emerald, I say. I remember selling one in secret to the Queen of Hearts just about week ago."

He flinched, mouth snapping shut as the others gained looks of confusion. "You...sell these things to others?" Evie ventured slowly.

"Um, yeah?" Carlos said it as if it was a question rather than a response. He then shifted his own gaze away from the others. "Only to people who my mother thinks are worthy."

"What?" Mal exploded, shocking her comrades. "Does that mean my mother's not on her list?" She nearly screeched.

Carlos backed further, though his room of couch was beginning to dwindle. "I guess." He spoke back.

"Well then," Mal crossed her arms, composure returning as she smirked. "We're all just going to need to pay Miss De Vil a little visit." Jay rubbed his hands in delight at the decision, new ideas for what to steal forming in his brain.

Evie went silent, but Mal knew all as she spotted the young villain's eyes shining with joy at the statement.

Carlos took the startling news a whole other way. "No!" He yelled, the others turning his way as he hissed at the slight pain. "Not a good idea."

He squeaked childishly as Mal raised an eyebrow. "And why, is that?" She asked simply. Jay swiped the Emerald away as Carlos' eyes dimmed. "It's just..." He started, then paused, as if reconsidering what he was about to reveal.

He looked back up, and Mal gasped as she realized how much the boy's expression had turned pitiful.

"I don't think you understand how evil, my mom can truly be."

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