Chapter 12

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After making their way down several wrong corridors, they finally found where the dorms were. Mal and Evie had parted ways with them when they reached where the girls' and boys' dorms were separated. Carlos and Jay had managed to locate their dorm by following a bell hop (Is that what they're called in boarding schools? Carlos wondered) who had their bags on a cart. They managed to find their room as the man exited it and dragged the empty cart farther down the corridor.

"I guess this is it then," Jay said pushing open the door.

When Carlos saw the room he wished he wasn't as impressed as he was. But in his defense it was a reallynice room. It was at least twice the size of his bedroom on the Isle. The walls were made of wood panels and the color scheme throughout the room was a dark forest green and navy blue. There was a circular table in the middle of the room surrounded by chairs and two beds tucked diagonally in each of the far corners. The only downside was the Auradon Prep banners littered on the walls.

"Wow," Carlos breathed. Jay rolled his eyes and pushed past him entering the room.

"It's like you've never seen a nice looking room before," Jay said smirking as Carlos followed him into the room.

"Well I haven't. And you've never been in one that you haven't stolen from, so there," Carlos said crossing his arms.

Jay chuckled flopping down on one of the beds, "Well, you're right about that."

The smaller boy shook his head and scanned the room for the bag his mother gave him. Once he found it resting by the door he grabbed it and brought it with him to the opposite bed. If he was completely honest he was scared to see what his mother had thrown together for him. Carlos swallowed and opened the bag.

It wasn't as bad as he was expecting it to be. Inside were a few of his personal belongings (not that he had many to begin with) and about four changes of clothes, which was fine. He probably wouldn't be there that long anyway. There were also, just as he expected a few of Cruella's coats and things that needed to be cleaned or fluffed or something. Carlos sighed and threw the bag over the side of the bed. He wasn't going to worry about his mother at that moment. He was in Auradon and she was still trapped on the Isle.

He glanced over at Jay who was no longer lying on the bed but scoping out the room for any valuable items. That was normal for him, Carlos expected nothing less. Wherever they went the first thing Jay did was see if anything was worth stealing. If there wasn't he usually didn't stay around for long.

That's when it hit Carlos. He and Jay would be sharing this dorm. Jay would be sleeping beside him (well, not directly beside him but close enough) every night for however long they were there. Carlos' heart race began to speed up, and he wasn't quite sure why. He had slept in the same room as Jay before, why was this any different? Maybe it was because their parents were nowhere near them. Maybe it was because the rules that apply on the Isle of the Lost are different from the ones in Auradon. Perhaps it wouldn't be so wrong if...

Carlos bolted upright, refusing his mind to go there. He had to think about something, anything else. He needed some kind of distraction.

When Evie and Mal entered their room a few hours later they found Carlos playing a video game, where he had been practically since he and Jay got in the room. Carlos hardly cared that he had been there for so long though. He was focused on the game and nothing else, which was exactly what he wanted. Some time ago Jay left the room, saying something about stealing, and returned but Carlos had barely even looked up from what he was doing. He was completely immersed, and he was glad he was. Carlos didn't have to worry while his eyes were glued to the TV, he could waste time for as long as he wanted.

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