Chapter 14

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Even if they were late, Carlos didn't think it would have mattered. As he and Jay walked into the classroom the first thing he noticed was how empty it was. The only other people in the room were Mal, Evie, and Fairy Godmother, who was writing something on a chalkboard. Of course it made sense they were the only ones there. Why would anyone who lives in Auradon need to take a class called Remedial Goodness?

The reason he was almost late was completely Jay's fault. Well, not really, but Carlos figured it was easier to blame him. He was never late to school on the Isle, and he wasn't about to start. They had both woken up only ten minutes before class started. After that it was a blur of Carlos rushing around the room, tripping as he frantically tried to pull up his pants, and Jay standing by laughing at him.

"Hey guys," Carlos said to the girls as he plopped into a seat at the desk beside theirs. Jay flipped his chair around and sat straddling it as he rested his arms on the back.

The both muttered a quiet hi in return. Mal was doodling on some paper she had, and seemed to be still upset about last night. Carlos wasn't sure if she was mad at Jay still or if she was just upset they didn't get the wand.

"Welcome, boys," Fairy Godmother greeted them. Carlos' head snapped towards the board, "You were almost late. Don't let it happen again," she said in a cheery but stern voice. "Alright, let's get started."

Fairy Godmother went on to explain how the class was going to go and her expectations, but Carlos kind of zoned out while she was talking. He could already tell this would be a horribly boring class. Fairy Godmother started by writing a series of multiple choice questions about certain situations. It was fairly easy, except they all kept getting the questions wrong.

"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you a) curse it, b) lock it in a tower, c) give it a bottle, or d) carve out its heart?" Fairy Godmother asked.

Evie's hand shot up immediately.

"Evie," Fairy Godmother called, happy that someone actually raised their hand this time.

"What was the second one?" the girl asked putting her hand down.

"Oh, okay," Fairy Godmother said with a smile, not answering her question. "Anyone else?"

She glanced over at Jay and Carlos, but neither of them had any idea. Carlos was sitting back in his chair with his arms folded, not knowing how to answer any of these questions. All the options usually seemed like a good way to handle a baby. How was he supposed to know the right answer? Jay on the other hand, was practically falling asleep, leaning on his arm in the chair beside him.

"Mal?" Fairy Godmother said looking at the girl who was still distractedly doodling on a paper.

"C)," Mal said looking up, "Give it a bottle."

"Correct," Fairy Godmother said fondly, "Again."

That was the third question Mal had answered correctly in a row.

"You are on fire girl," Carlos said looking over at her, wondering how she was doing it.

"Just pick the one that doesn't sound any fun," she said as if it were obvious.

"Oh," Carlos said, finally understanding.

"That makes so much sense," Evie said quietly.

Leaning back in his chair again, Carlos heard a soft squeal from right behind them. He turned his head to see a girl, probably their age, walking quickly by them. Her expression showed nothing but fear. If they were back on the Isle of the Lost, Carlos would be happy to be feared, but here, it just kinda hurt when she glanced at them petrified.

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