Chapter 8

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Mal's lollipop victory was short lived because everyone around them scattered in fear when they saw two goons approaching them. Carlos spotted the goons and his smile immediately faded, and a chill ran down his spine. They all knew if there were henchmen, their boss wouldn't be far behind. Carlos didn't need to watch as the villagers ran away in fear; he knew exactly whose henchmen these were. Mal didn't even have to turn around. She dropped her hand with the lollipop, cleared her throat, and turned to face the henchmen.

"Hi mom," Mal said as she turned around.

Maleficent pushed past her two goons and said, "Stealing candy, Mal? I'm so disappointed."

"It was from a baby," Mal informed her mother.

Maleficent grinned, "That's my nasty little girl."

Carlos never really understood their relationship. All Mal wanted to do was please her mother, and Maleficent rarely ever accepted what Mal did. He always felt uncomfortable watching them because he never knew if it would end with Maleficent praising her daughter or screaming at her. It was usually the latter.

Maleficent snatched the lollipop from Mal, spitting on it and shoving it under her arm. Once she deemed it contaminated enough, she handed it to her henchmen and said, "Give it back to the dreadful creature."

Mal's face fell. Carlos could tell she only wanted to make her mom happy, but as it turns out this was just another disappointment.

"Mom," she complained.

"It's the details Mal, that makes the difference between mean, and truly evil," Maleficent told her daughter, waving to the child and its mother with the lollipop. "When I was your age I was-,"

"Cursing entire kingdoms," Mal finished. Carlos knew her mother told her this almost every day. He was usually there whenever she did.

"Yes," Maleficent said, pleased her daughter knew that. "Walk with me, dear."

Carlos almost felt bad for just standing there. He glanced at Evie, who was also observing their conversation, and Jay who took a step closer to him as if saying 'I'm uncomfortable too'.

"I just- I'm just trying to teach you the thing that really counts," Maleficent said leading her daughter a little ways away from her friends, "How to be me."

To be fair, she had a point. Every villain aspires to be Maleficent; she is the most evil of them all.

"I know that," Mal said nodding. "And I'll do better."

Carlos watched along with Evie and Jay. The only time Mal didn't look tough was in front of her mother. It was still a strange thing for them to see. Mal really did only want to please her mother.

"Oh!" Maleficent suddenly exclaimed, causing Mal to jump from beside her. "There's news! I buried the lead. You four have been chosen to go to a different school," Maleficent said pointing at them.

New school? Carlos wasn't sure where this was going. There was only one school on the island. What could she possibly be talking about?

"In Auradon," she finished.

A million things rushed through Carlos' mind at that moment, the main one being 'No way!' Auradon was where all the princes and princess lived and all goodness resided. Every villain hated the place and rarely ever talked about the dreadful land. Carlos whipped himself around, prepared to make a run for it, just as Evie and Jay had, but was greeted by one of Maleficent's goons holding him back. Carlos struggled to get away from him but he couldn't, the goon had a solid grip on him and forced him back to where he was standing before.

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