Chapter Seven Rainbows

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Chapter Song: I Want to Write You a Song by One Direction

"Why are you here?" Toulouse asks me. "Oh, I asked Luke to pick me up after prom last night," I lie. "Oh okay cool," he says and walks into the kitchen to greet Luke. "yeah I um, texted you," I say awkwardly walking in behind him. "Okay. Do you wanna take the car and go home?" he says. "Oh, um, okay," I say taking the keys from him and walking towards the bedrooms.

I open the top drawer on a dark wood dresser and see socks and underwear; nope. I move one drawer down and it's filled with shirts; nope. The third and final drawer is filled with black skinny jeans, and a small say pile of sweatpants and shorts. I pick up a pair of his sweats and pull them on, I make sure my shirt isn't tucked in anywhere and look down to my feet. I open the top drawer again and pull out a pair of socks. I put them on my feet even though they're probably 4 sizes too big.

I pick up my dress and my shoes and walk out of the open doorway. "Hey," Luke says waiting for me. "Hi," I squeak out. "Toulouse is in the game room so you're safe to go," he tells me. "Okay," I breath out. "I'll um-"

"I'll call you later," he says cutting me off. I nod. He walks me towards his door and opens it for me. I turn and go up on my tip toes pressing a kiss to his cheek, "Bye." I walk out to the car and turn it on throwing my excess stuff on the passenger seat.


"I'm home!"

"He's home I have to to you later bye," I hang up my phone after bidding Luke one more farewell. "Up here!" I shout down to Toulouse. He opens the door to my room, "Why hello there." I nod my head in acknowledgment. "Wow Toulouse my loving brother how lovely it is to see you! I missed you soooooo much while you were at work and want to know what you were thinking for dinner!" Toulouse says with sarcastic happiness.

"Wow Toulouse my loving brother how lovely it is to see you! I missed you sooooo much while you were at work and want to know what you were thinking for dinner!" I say mocking his happiness. He smiles at me and says, "I knew you were my sister. Now, I was thinking spaghetti," he suggests rubbing his hands together. "Go crazy," I tell him. He laughs lightly and walks out.

After dinner is finished and I've showered and dried my hair I put on some skinny jeans and a sweater. I crawl under my covers and wait until it's around midnight when Toulouse is definitely asleep to carefully push open my window after putting on my boots. I look down to the street and see a black car. I stick one foot out the window and then the other and climb down the side of the house as best I can.

I hop down once I'm at a good hopping distance and jog toward the car. Opening the door and getting in as fast I can due to the cold outside air. "Why hello there," Luke's lovely accent fills my ears. "Hi," I say smiling. "So, um, what did you, um-" I stumble over my words a little not having seen Luke since the morning after prom. "I wanted to show you something almost as beautiful as you," he tells me starting to drive off as quietly as possible so not to wake Toulouse up.

"Wow Mr. Hemmings, how sweet of you," my voice is laced with sarcasm. "I told you, I'm romantic as fuck when I want to be." I laugh lightly at his comment and reply, "Sure you are." Wanting to banter more he says, "Yep, and you should consider yourself lucky I'm being romantic as fuck with you." I don't know what on God's green earth possessed me to say this but I sure as fuck did and well, don't ever do this okay. "Yeah well sorry to waste it on me. Why not just use it on Hennessy instead?" My tone is bitter and my words are snippy.

The mood in the car immediately goes from a light happy to an awkward tension. We sit in silence for hours-I mean minutes until I pipe up, "Sorry. I'm not very good around people as you can tell." It brings the light fluffy mood back when Luke replies, "You're good around me which is all I care about." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in and turn my head to stare out the window at the passing street lights.

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