Chapter Twelve Hello

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Chapter Song: Mr. Brightside by The Killers

Bored :(

I look down at my buzzing phone to see Luke's text. Sliding to unlock I see he also sent me a selfie.

And what should I do about this?

I send back to which he replies,

Come and hang out with me?? pleeeeeease!


When I open my eyes to take in my surroundings I can hear Luke's light snoring. Sitting up I stretch feeling sore from falling asleep on the couch. I twist and look at Luke. He looks so peaceful and innocent, his mouth just barley open. I sigh and lay back on his warm chest. I snuggle into him earning a slight groan. His arms tighten around me and he says, "Maze?" in his amazing morning voice.

"Yeah?" I reply my eyes still shut my head still burrowed in his neck. "What time is it?" he asks groggily. "So early it's dark, which means we should go back to sleep," I say absentmindedly trying to go back to sleep. "But I'm so uncomfortable," he whines. "Shh, I'm tired," I say still refusing to open my eyes again. He 'hmph's' and then shifts us all around. Turning us so we're laying in the direction perpendicular to the one we just were.

Buzzing wakes me up next. Peaking open one eye I can see my phone lighting up, buzzing across the table. "You're just set on waking me up. Aren't you?" Luke says his eyes still closed. I roll my eyes and climb over him. "Don't roll your eyes at me," he says, turning to lay on his side.

"I'll do whatever the f.uck I want. Hello this is Maisie," I answer my phone after Luke and I have our little banter. "Hello, I'm Delia Sanders with Longman's Modeling Agency. We understand that you are currently touring with One Direction and 5 Seconds Of Summer," The woman on the phone tells me. "Um, yes. May I ask what the purpose of your call is?" I ask Luke giving me a funny look from the couch.

"Yes, We saw some photos and we think you'd be a wonderful model, we'd like to have you on our team," she tells me over the phone. "Oh, um. Well I'd need to think about it of course, is there a number I could get back to you on?" I ask searching for a pencil and paper.

"Of course, the number is 1-817-665-3417, we look forward to your call, bu-bye," She says. I look down at the number when Luke asks, "And who might that have been?"

"Oh, no one," I brush him off folding the piece of paper putting it in my pocket. "Well it looks like it's time to start the day," he says getting up. He almost goes to puts his arms around me but stops mid way through and awkwardly puts his hands by his sides. "Yeah, looks like it." We stand for a few moments in silence.

Though, this is unlike other times. The fact that we just spent the night sleeping on the couch together after being on and off and then fighting on and off is making it hard to find the right words. "Hey!" Somebody shouts from the front of the bus. "Rest stop, everybody out!" Luke and I both grab our phones before opening the small door and leaving the back suite.

I spot Lou heading inside the gas station and run to catch up. "Hello there miss Maisie," she says smiling at me. "Hey, so I have a question," I tell her. "Yeah?" I explain the call I got earlier about modeling and how I really want to do it and ask her what she thinks.

"Luke's gonna be crushed if you leave!" She tells me. "He's not gonna care," I scowl looking at my snack choices. I pick up a bag of Deritos and walk to the register with Lou. "He is gonna care! He's crazy about you, and thinking any different makes you a crazy person. You two are just so weird. Y'know that right? Weirdos the both of you," she says handing the cashier her card.

"He doesn't care for me that much," I oppose calling out her overstatement. "Oh, yes he does! All I ever hear about is Maze this, Maze that. The boy is in love I tell you!" She says as we walk back toward the bus. Climbing up the enormous bus steps I say, "Thanks Lou." She smiles and walks off.

I can feel my face turning to a flat line and my world coming down around me. I have to take the modeling job, but that means I'll be leaving Luke. Maybe I should just talk to him. But am I really going to talk to him? Nope, there's a highly probable chance I won't.


"Hey Luke, can we um, like talk?" I ask, looking at him as he peers over his phone to look at me. "Yeah, what about?" He locks him phone and puts in his pocket. "I'm um, well I'm uh, I'm. Leaving," I manage to spit out finally. He looks rather dumbfounded at the news and stares at me for a few seconds before saying, "What? You, you can't leave," he sounds surprised.

"Well, it was a really hard-" Though he cuts me off furiously telling me, "You can't just leave! You can't...just, just leave." His sentence tappers off and I'm left unable to find words for a few seconds. "Well, I had an opportunity and well it's not like you actually need me here for anything," I tell him. "But, you..." his head hangs low as he looks to the ground. "You can't leave me," he says softly.

My heart shatters into a million pieces at his words. I can't fight the tears streaming down my cheeks. "Oh, Luke. I'm so sorry," I sob. What a screw up. Everything I ever get near gets f.ucked up. "I'm a mistake," I whisper to myself under my breath. Luke's head snaps up and his big blue eyes stare into mine.

On an impulse I walk straight into him and wrap my arms around his torso. His arms snake around me and we stay like that for a while. "You're not a mistake," he tells me softly. One more sob takes over my body before my phone starts vibrating. I look over to see that it's my driver telling me he's here and we need to go. "I need to leave," I tell him. Though Luke doesn't budge. "No," he says quietly. "Luke."

"Just stay the night, it's our last night together," he begs. "Okay," I give in and break away from him. Quickly texting my driver to tell him that I'll just need picked up in the morning I switch my phone off for the night. "Can we listen to music?" I ask perching myself on the edge of the couch. "What do you wanna listen to?"

"I don't know. Rock maybe?" He nods and scrolls on his phone a minute later we're listening to Nirvana. "This okay?" he asks shifting in his seat and playing with his hands. I give him a look that says, 'you know what I like Hemmings'. He nods. After a few songs that include artists such as Blink, Guns 'n Roses, and Simple Plan Mr. Brightside by The Killers comes on. Luke stands and puts his hand out, standing in front of me.

Awkwardly I place my hand in his and struggle to a standing position. His free arm guides my hand upwards until I get the gist and place one hand in his and the other lightly touching his chest. Holding me close we slow dance together. Me in an oversized muscle tee and some boy shorts; Luke in pajama pants and no top.


"Miss, I think I actually have the middle seat, you must be the window," A business man says. I look up at him unbuckle my seatbelt and shift over one seat. After take off I put both my headphones in and press shuffle. Mr. Brightside by The Killers starts playing. Silent tears roll down my cheeks as I stare out the window. I think I can see the stadium as we fly over the city.

a/n: sorry my life has been really busy, but I hope u like the chapter. you know what I need? some fetus Luke hemmings. that's what I need.

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