Chapter 11

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Crystal's POV

I wake up to the sound of blasting alarms again. Great.

I sit up, getting ready because I know today's training day.

The outfit that was given to me on the first day is getting dirty, and it's starting to smell. But I have no other clothes.

I smell it. It smells like pizza, from yesterday's lunch. "This is disgusting." I say, searching for anything to clear up the smell.

Screw it. I think, and jump out of my tent.

For what seems like hours, I walk to the fire pit.

Crown the Empire is in the middle, standing on the big boulders and hundreds of Runaways are surrounding them.

Andy spots me, nods, and smiles.

I do the same back to him.

"Listen up, guys." Andy shouts into the megaphone from the first night. "I have the schedule with me, there are six different groups and you'll all be training in four different sections today. One and a half hours for each, and an hour break in the middle."

He hands the megaphone to Brent.

"This is only day one, guys. It's only Monday, we have four more days of training after this. You get the weekend off." Everyone grunts, some cheer for the weekend. "Each group consists of almost 167 people. It's a lot to handle, but if you all cooperate then it'll be easy."

He hands the megaphone to Dave.

Dave coughs. "This proccess is gonna take a pretty long time, so bare with us. But what's gonna happen is all six of us," he gestures to Crown. "Are going to be standing with our schedules. Tell us your name, and we'll see if you're on our list. Then we'll give each of you a pin, don't lose it. You can go to your tent afterwards, and a couple of minutes after that process we'll start training."

Dave tosses the megaphone to Hayden.

"There'll be one of us, and almost 170 of you. Please cooperate, I can't stress this enough." He claps his hands together. "Alright, let's get started."


Everyone's looking around, frantically searching for their name and leader.

I stand in the same spot, being pushed by everyone.

A few minutes later, when the crowd dies down by just a little, I head over to Andy.

"There you are!" He says to me.

"Yeah, hi. There's so many people."

"I know, Bones was busy so he couldn't help. It would of made this a lot easier."

"That's too bad. Am I on your list?"

"Yeah, of course. I'm your Guardian!" He smiles and gives me a black pin with the cog and crown symbol on it. In the middle there's the number 2.


Andy's POV

The next 30 minutes are hell. Everyone's crashing into each other, finding their leaders.

"Hi! What's your name?" I ask a boy, maybe my age.

"Connor White."

I check under the last names that start with W.

"Yes, you're on my list. Here you go, Connor." I give him the pin.

"Finally! Thank you." He runs off to his tent.

I have one more person on my list, Danny Edge. (A/N anyone? ^.^)

There's about 15 people still looking for their leader.

"Boo!" Crystal jumps from behind me.

"Ah, you totally scared me." I say sarcastically.

"I'm bored."

"Me too."

She sits on the ground beside me, and stares up at me.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask, and giggle.

"I'm gonna help you. But not really."

"By sitting?"

"Yeah, I'll be a cheerleader or something. Go Andy!" She does a little dance on the ground.

I sit down with her. "I'll be a cheerleader too." I imitate her dance.

She laughs. "You're not doing it right."

"I'm doing it better than you." I say, and continue dancing.

Crystal gives me the death stare, then does the most hardcore little dance of all history.

I laugh. "Okay, you win."

"Good." She smiles. "Who you waiting for?"

"One more person. Named Danny Edge."

"Danny!" Crystal shouts.

A boy spins around. "Huh?"

"Are you Danny Edge?" Crystal asks.

"Yes, I am." He walks over.

"Hi, you're in Andy's group."

"Oh, cool. Thanks." He smiles and is given a pin.

"Wow." I say.


"How come I didn't think of that?" I laugh.

"Because I'm doing it better than you." She winks and runs off.

Damn, this girl's got a special place in my heart. And not only because I'm her Guardian.


Crystal's POV

Everybody's called down again.

"Get in your groups, make sure you have your pins. Training starts now!" Dave shouts.

I go over to Andy, and examine the 100+ other recruits with me.

"Hey guys! So I'm Andy, if you didn't know already. For our first one and a half hours, we'll be going to the survival station. It's beside the training room."

We all walk down, taking us forever.

"What's in the survival station?" I ask Andy.

"There's about 10 small rooms, each filled with different survival skills to practice. Like making a fire or tying a knot."

"Are we going in groups?"

"Yeah, groups of like 10 maybe. I'll be with you."

I blush. "Sounds great."


I tried to make it interesting. But it was getting too long, didn't want to over write and make the chapter go on forever. So I had to cut it off there, sorry :(

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