Chapter 27

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Andy's POV

There's a scream.

Bones and I look at each other. "I'll stay. Go see what's happening." He says.

I nod and run out the door.

"Wh - what is that?! It just, it just fell from the sky!" A girl panics, and cries into a leader's arms.

"I'm not sure, Sal." Amy, the leader says.

I walk towards it. Getting closer, I recognize that it's a dead bird, laying on its stomach.

I crouch down and grab it by its foot. I then flip it over, and people all around me gasp.

It's a raven, with the Runaway symbol spray painted onto it.

I stare at it, and so does everyone else. It's absolutely silent, beside Sal's whimpering.

I grab it by its foot again, ready to throw it out into the woods. Until suddenly it jerks and flaps it's wings aggressively. It tries to fly away, making loud noises.

"Whoa, there." I say, extending my arm out. It looks at me. "Hey, buddy." I reach to pet it's head, when it just vomits a black substance everywhere.

I release it, extremely grossed out.

"What is that?" Amy asks me.

"I don't know. But it was definitely the work of Johnny."

She sighs. "Wait, there's something in there." She points into the puddle of black vomit.

She's right, there's a little tube.

I grab it, not caring that my hands are now filled with bird vomit. I open the tube and read the note inside.

"Say your goodbyes
We're at an all out war
The world won't survive
But I'll chose how I die tonight
So say you're alive one last time
And let the fire rise"

I swallow. This is obviously Johnny.

I march back to Bones. "Bones, we have a problem. Johnny's back, he left this note." I give it to him, and he reads it.

"Fuck." He mutters. "How the hell did he get in?"

I shrug. "There has to be someone here letting him in. Giving him access."

"Who would do that?"

"I don't know. Maybe they're doing it unintentionally."

He hesitates. "We should talk to Caroline."

I nod and we leave the simulation room.

"Wait." I say, and he stops at the door.

I head back. "Crys." I say, looking at the screen.

"Yes?" She replies.

"Bones and I, we have to go. Something's going on, we'll be back."

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