Chapter 19

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Crystal's POV

I'm gripped from behind.

I spin around, only to be eye to eye with a Scarecrow.

"You're dead to me." He laughs cynically.

I shoot him in the chest.

Idiot Scarecrow.

I check out the map. There's the title Aeon City at the top.

Oh my god, I'm in Aeon City. Well, sort of.

The pictures are from a birds eye view, and I see all of the buildings.

In the very center is a big red dot.

I find that where I am is at the very left on the west side, at the border of the city.

I'm assuming I need to reach the red dot, so I continue into the city and search for it.


About 5 minutes pass as I'm walking down the streets of the ghost town they call Aeon City.

Nothing happens, until I take a step and I hear a click.

I don't move, and slowly look down.

Whatever this is, it's going to kill me if I release my foot.

"Shit." I mutter.

I search around for something heavy to replace my foot with, but I find nothing.

I think of the genius idea to take a bullet from my gun and wedge it into the small gap it had made when the trap pressed down into the ground.

Quickly, I cram it in and run for dear life.

I hear the pop of the bullet sliding out of the crack from only meters away and within seconds a bomb goes off.

My head is burning, and I can hear a ringing through my ears. I didn't get far away enough from the trap.

Slowly and painfully, I get up and continue to walk. I see a Scarecrow.

Jumping behind a building, I watch as the Scarecrow paces back and forth.

You've got one chance, Crystal.

I grab my gun and aim directly at the Scarecrow.

I shoot, but miss.

The Scarecrow is alert now, and frantically looks around.

He spots me and lifts his gun, but I shoot once again, hitting him in the head.

He collapses to the ground.

Thank god.

I check my map and find that I am already half way into the city.

Before I can put the map away, I hear marching of a group of Scarecrows.

I run into the building I stood behind and wait for them to walk by.

But it never seems to end, there's suddenly so many.

I peek out the window and see that they're all wearing the same uniform and they all march the same way.

"Crystal, you know what to do." A voice says.

I jump, and look around. It sounded like Andy.

"I can see you. I can tell you're scared, I feel it. Don't worry, it's just a stimulation. You can't get hurt." Andy says.

I relax, as hearing his voice calms me.

I run up to the front desk of the building.

It's a hotel.

Searching, I finally find a luggage in a room with a Scarecrow uniform in it.

I put it on and cover my face with the hood.

I then exit the building and march the same way all the Scarecrows are marching.

Finally reaching the center of the city, I discover what the red dot is.

It's the Raven. And a wall of Scarecrows are surrounding him.

I gulp. Oh shit.

You can do this, Crys.

All of the Scarecrows stop what they're doing and face me.

"Runaway detected." A Scarecrow in uniform says, facing me. "Attack with full force." The rest of the Scarecrows repeat the first one.

"Attack with full force."

I'm surrounded. I can't do anything.

Panicking, I watch as all of the Scarecrows are charging for me.

I scream, knowing that it's the end. I'm going to die.

The world goes black and the lights turn back on.

"Crystal Danics.
Score: 87
Percentage: 76
Time: 37 minutes"

I'm panting and sweating in fear.

It seemed so real.

I walk out, shaking.

"Hey, it's okay. It's over." Andy rubs my shoulder. "Congratulations though, you're the first one out."


Just had to use the Initiation lyrics somewhere, ahaha.
The last two chapters were inspired by Divergent and The Hunger Games if it isn't obvious enough. cx I don't know, I thought it fit the lyrics and story pretty well.

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