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This chapter is really sad omg I started crying when I was writing this chapter my mum almost called the hospital because I was crying. BYE!!

Leigh-Ann POV

" That idiot " jade and Jesy mumble we all got confused and than Jesy said " that idiot is the guy who had a gun to her head and now he wants revenge so he throw a brick at her head before she hit the waters"

we all said in a chorus "ohhhh" I said "well when she wakes up I will be here" then they all agreed."How are you hanging up jade" perrie said in a motherly voice " I'm good I hope she will wake up though once she forgives me of how childish and stupid i was back then and now something bad happens what does the guy even want"

she says and hugs me. We all are hungry so we went to the cafeteria. I got a small sand which with Mountain Dew. Jesy just got salad and coca cola. Thayer got the same as Jesy.

Sofia got chip and a brownie. Perrie got the same as me. We all ate but realized something might happen to Sabrina and that beast of a guy. We all ran upstairs and saw 3 docs " what's happening do you think sabrina's wake"

Perrie said we all shrug except for jade she took a step forward and then saw the wire cut to give her air " no" jade whispers " she alive" one of the doctors says they all cheer like their best president got voted.

"Wait I thought she was in a coma how is she awake" I said to one doctor " well it seems she wasn't in coma in the first place she could feel and hear everything but just can't move and open her eyes she try's and try's to open her eyes but when she does she fully blacks out so we are giving her a shot" jade says

" wait shot why a shot can't you give her more air or something" jade is scared of shots " well we have to for her diabetes to stay in balance"he said "wait what diabetes when did she have it" I said

"she had it for 5 years" he replied " that's when I left wow" jade said with a frown " so when is she gonna wake up" Sofia said he smirks " see for yourself" then he walked away first who entered the door was jade, me, Jesy ,Sofia , perrie and Thayer. We saw Sabrina flipping through channels she is so adorable then we heard her say " freak youuu" she said that at the t.v

"Sabrina you're alive aww I thought I lost you" jade and everyone hugged her "I...can't...breath" she says trying to breath.

Sabrina POV

Everybody was talking jibber jabber "SHUT UP ok tell clearly what happened ok who saw the whole entire thing" everyone pointed at Jesy " ok I was so this is what happened you were in the car listening to everybody talks right then out of no where the guy who all most killed you"

I interrupted her "billy" everyone looked at me like i was kra kra "proceed" she contiuned " anyways he took a brick and you guys were talking and I snapped at him I told him to drop the brick and 'get out of here' he put the brick on the gas pedal and you ended up in the lake I jumped in after you I dragged you to the surface and called the ambulance and now you get the rest"

she took a long breath cause she said that whole thing fast but I still understood her. Doctor Song (a/n he's a fake doctor don't judge me) one of the doctors came and told me " Sabrina you are gonna leave when we are done putting that I.V in you ok" I nodded I'm used to getting shots in my arm and stomach. "So Sabrina I heard you have diabetes why didn't you tell us and I gave you a whole pizza box" perrie whined

" look do you know why I didn't tell you guys" we all shook your heads " cause I thought if you knew you would look at me differently and I wouldn't eat a sweet thing anymore"

Jesy said " hey what type do you have?" I looked at her then I said " type one. I could eat everything you guys eat but I have to check my blood sugar and give insulin in this little machine" pointing to a blood glucose in my stomach they all said "aww" except for Thayer and Sofia they all ready knew

" so Thayer and Sofia" Leigh-Ann said they looked at her " did you know about this" Thayer said " yeah we knew but she's still the same so don't treat her differently" and Sofia got a text message and for some reason she started to cry

" why are you crying boo" I said " umm nothing it's just that never mind it's nothing" she said but I can tell its something.

Sofia POV

I just got a text message from my dad saying

Dad: hey kiddo guess what pack your stuff we are going to Miami!

Me: what lets talk about this first I'm coming home

I called Leigh-Ann to the hallway " so you are probably wondering why I called you here huh?" She said "yeah so what's up" " um I just got a text from my dad saying we are moving to Miami and I was just wondering if you can tell them with me"

she standed up straight from the wall " yeah sure they will mis you" I hugged her and we went in " hey I can get out of this dump now.." She stopped her sentence when she saw me cry

" hey why is she crying did you do something to her Leigh-Ann" she said " no um she got a text from her dad saying she's going to Miami and she called me to tell you guys" Leigh-Ann saying while looking at Thayer and Sabrina. They ran up to me and said " we will miss you soff"

Thayer was trying so hard not to cry but he broke " tell me you are gonna text me, call me and Skype me ok" Sabrina said laughing and crying at the same time little mix was crying to and perrie and Jesy joined crying then everyone else " why are you guys crying" Thayer said and Leigh-Ann said

" IT JUST SO BEAUTIFUL" then joined in again. We let go and the only person I was hugging was my best friend Sabrina " will you Skype call and text me" I said and she nods we let go and I said bye to everyone and left.


Clift hanger haha 😎😋

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