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Ok so the cover My cousin actually met them she live in the same hotel I can't believe She met the one and only little mix?😍

Chapter 1

It's my first time performing in the park. Hello my name is Sabrina Thirlwall Ross ( I don't like my middle name).

I lived in South shields, than New Jersey cause I got adopted by evil cold hearted people and now lax. I live with my best friends Thayer (boy) and Sofia. I used to live with my cousin and grandad in this massive place but he died and my cousin moved back to London to audition for the x-factor.

Well let's forget about them for now I will be singing call me maybe at the performance in the park. " HEY SOFIA HOW DO I LOOK" I shouted in her ear well not technically in her ear she was 10 inches away

" YOU LOOK GREAT BABE" she shouted back then Thayer said " STOP SHOUTING oh look I'm doing it" me and Sofia laughed at his comment " hey Thayer um why ahh why don't you have pants on" me and Sofia looked away " oh come on well at least I'm wearing boxers huh?"

" well go put on pants it's still really weird and uncomfortable" Sofia turning away from Thayer. " well you see now I have pants on hey are you guys ready to go to school arg I hate school"

Thayer shouting from outside of the mansion " AMEN" me and my boo scream at him.We all walked to school but we stopped at a tree where we carved our initials on it.

" guys look do you guys remember when we carved this it was the summer I found my birth parents" I said " yeah it was pretty wicked year so Sabrina you didn't finish why you are in America can you finish it"

Sofia said " sure so me and my cousin went to my foster parents home but we were really shy" Thayer interrupted me " so why are you going to that house with your cousin? Why not your sisters or brothers?"

I replied " cause I'm the only child now" Sofia interrupted me" why did you say 'now' " Sofia asked "Cause they all died in a plane crash luckily I wasn't on the plane so can I finish why I'm here"

they both said yes " ok we knocked on the door with the people who work with the us adoptive Center in South Shields the foster people seem really nice but once she leaves we thought

we were in good hand but they started beating us and yelling at us they keep us in cages one day they left the phone right next to the cousin I can't name called- "

I got interrupted by Sofia again "please tell us who's your cousin we promise we won't tell anyone" she begs and begs I finally tell her " fine I will tell but do you know my middle name" i said

"no you never told us" sofia said " ok i dont use it because its umm ah j-jade Thirlwall last name she's my cousin there I said it gee it really gets the pressure off you whoa"

Thayer and Sofia just stood there I can't tell the emotion on their faces it's blank then out of the blue Sofia screams so loud the lady next door throws a bread at us and says

" shut up dimwits you woke me up god" I say " sorry ms. Alexander we didn't mean to you old hag" I whisper the last sentence and we all laugh.

Thayer POV

Yeah like I didn't see that coming I all ready now that well 4 weeks ago jade calls Sabrina.

Flash back

" hey I'm gonna pick up your phone ok" I say to Sabrina she nods " hello sabrina's not here can I take a message" in the background Sabrina and Sofia laughs at how I sound then I hear a familiar voice " yes tell her that her cousin called please" I replied

" Sabrina only has three cousin's and they are all men" " well she kinda hates me you see I'm jade thirlwall she hates me cause she thinks I abandoned her with our cold hearted foster parents and every time

I call her and she changes her number a lot luckily she keeps in touch with birth parents but can you not tell I'm coming to her performance in 4 weeks ok tell me your number so I can text you when I get there" I said " ahh umm o ok I'm gonna text you it"

End of flash back

We arrived at school but we were 20 minutes late we got in the class and make up lame excuses " why are you late today why don't you tell the whole class " ms. Phillips said

Mine was " my dad got lost when he drove me here" I sat down

Sofia's was " my cat died while having birth" then she sat down

Sabrina's was " why are you so obese with me"

then she sat down the teacher gave her a death glare and Sabrina slipped in to her chair.

Class ended " Sabrina can I see you after class" ms Phillips said "help me guys" Sabrina mouthed us " sorry" we mouthed back we got to our classes

Sabrina POV

" so I see you are performing in the park" ms what's her face said " yeah do you need a autograph" I smirk at her but she's giving me a death glare well let's say that I'm not technically her favorite student

" I was wondering if you can sign my niece up and you will be my favorite student" I give it a thought and say" well it's the last day of high school and i say no thank you"

I skipped out of the class and she's not able to send me to office. I go to my next class and I feel a hand on my shoulders and flinch because I thought it was the teacher but it was my friend Greg

" oh sorry to scary you like that" he said " no it's my fault I thought you were ms. What's her face but what's up" I said " um I liked your entrance in the class room'' I kinda blush because no one tells me that Greg and me are the only British people in the school but I'm half Irish because my dad is from Ireland he moved to London when he was 20 and met my beautiful mom.

" oh thanks I try to keep it cool you know" I said in a gangster voice we laugh and he says " well see you around Christmas time" "bye Greg see you at Easter" that was our thing we do we say bye but we always end it on a holiday.


Sorry I know it's boring but it will get interesting in the middle trust me luv u! <333

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