12) The Halcyon Labyrinth

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Nymphets cry in white noise haze

burning eyes, golden glaze

By the lagoon of secrets, they still stay

in the halcyon labyrinth, we wander way  

throughout thick and thin, no light of day

but darkness does not faze

for ethereal cascades, spirits do raise

Gossamer so fine, spun a web

of stories and tales, rumours and riddles

nymphets listened, smiling in slumbers slick

by fire-light flame, wind blew shame

Cobalt dragonfly in the night life

forgot its gambling strife 

when with the nymphets, he spends time

breaking through the gossamer fine

dancing above the lagoon lime

with wounded words, he does trifle

in their hearts, he always trails a knife

(11th June 2013)

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