17) Dream Symbols

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An armoured, decorated white horse

with startled black eyes

and a mad king

who is hated, and hunted

whose palace has balconies

and great glass doors

and books lining many shelves

I comfort the mad king

His hunters have disappeared

I take out a thin, red rope

from a drawer, and reach for a gold one

you tell me I don't need rope

(I think I do)

The mad king is waving his sword

he is delirious with panic

I comfort him

and a medieval book

is on a mahogany table

in the centre of the room

with colourful pictures,

I flip through it

(the wind rustles the cream curtains)

there are two colourless pictures:

two bodies hanging from a tree

in black and white

with crows, flying, slowly around

drifting on the wind like black stars

and a woman hanging from a different tree

with a ripped up landscape

(in black and white)

the pictures move.

everything moves. constantly

rippling like unsettled water

There is a picture of the white horse

with colourful ribbons of red and gold

his eyes are also gold in the picture

and beside the pictures

are descriptions which I don't bother reading

but on them are yellow lines

which are like strips of old stained paper

and when I look on the opposite side

where the picture of a field is

green and gold and purple-blue

(I enter the picture, in a horse and cart

I am a little girl again, I look at the farm

we are going to market. But never to return.) 

I'm out of the picture again.

the picture is stained

there are lines of red, jagged

which when I touch, leave blood

on my pale fingers

blood from the cuts which I made.

all my cuts on the picture, staining it.

Marking it, covering the pictures

Someone (a man, possibly my father) is reading over my shoulder.

(25th August 2013)

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