25) The Flowers Get Ready to Party (as you see)

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You got me feeling fly,

butterfly, dandelions in drag

and you know what they're


I put my lipstick on,

like some big beauty queen, fairy

wings, you got me feeling


like the shit the sunflower's son

sold me some time ago

do you see?

I do my hair in front of the mirror,

I'm naked in the geranium gazes

and I don't mind it all that much

(I hope they think I'm as beautiful as they are)

and the roses pluck their thorns

like eyebrows, overdoit like never.

you see?

I slip on my dress, paint on all the

glitter, and the daisies blush purplepink

in the yellow helium balloon

high's eye. They   s   i   g   h

ever so   s   l   o   w   l   y  ever so

lovestruck, dumbstruck daisy chains

so like


(26th October 2013)

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