22) Act One

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I could be your cartoon character

smashing through the scene

got to make a presence, got to make sure

I'm seen, make sure people don't miss me

I can wear my masquerade cat mask

musical notes, gold cat eye glare

kitty cat, make me purr

then I can come through the window

of slumber, with my façade forsaken face

stroke the plumes, brush away the glitter

Take me away from this place

of disaster, my king of crisis!

I will come through the forest, nude nymph

flowers in my hair, glitter still there

sat on Pan's lap, you'll watch and stare

did nobody ever tell you, life isn't fair?

I will be the ingenue

Faraway whisper in your dreams

Distant star ever burning out, cataclysm of

salt streams, queen of the mystique

I will be cloaked in silk robes

Jewels and feathers, ruby red ribbons

treasure of the deluge

Then I will glide through the water

of the greatest ocean, with a summer siren song,

floating on an August sunset

far from where I belong!

Release me of my seaweed snare.

I will fly from a distant land, of snow and iced lakes

batter my glass eyes, light frosted lashes

Chione and I, hand in hand, with cobalt sashes

Boreas on her heel, into the snow she dashes!

(9th October 2013)

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