The End of a Long Day

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Taylor sighed. She was sitting on her couch after a long day of meetings and discussions about her next album. All she wanted was to relax and wind down, but she couldn't. She was too busy thinking about her best friend, Karlie.
It would be so nice to see her right now Taylor thought to herself. Karlie always made her feel warm and safe, her hugs were the best thing in the world; the way she wrapped her arms around Taylor like Taylor was the last person alive. The way Karlie made her feel special, and loved. Taylor just really loved Karlie.
The tall blonde stood up suddenly. She knew where her thought train was going, and she couldn't go there again tonight. This always happened, the singer always ended up thinking about the model, and it most often wasn't in ways one is meant to think about ones best friend.
I need to get out Taylor realised. She threw on a hoody, notifying her security that she was going to go for a walk. They said they'd trail about 30 or 40 feet behind her.
Five minutes later, the singer left her apartment and started walking. She didn't have anywhere in mind, she just walked. It was dusk, and the evening light was casting everything into a pale twilight, the sun only just visible over the towering skyscrapers that dotted the city. Taylor stuffed her fingers in the pockets of her hoody to save them from the bitter early winter air, and she let herself enjoy the city. The left over assortment of brown, red and orange leaves that littered the pavement, the approaching frost that could be felt on the air. The buskers packing up their instruments after a long day of playing. Taylor saw a young kid packing up their guitar and she tossed a couple of twenty dollar bills into the case before it shut. The kid looked up at the stranger who had just given them their biggest single payment today, and their eyes widened at the sight of Taylor Swift smiling down at them. Taylor continued walking without stopping. It felt good to be good to people, even strangers.
After another fifteen minutes of walking, Taylor realised where she was. She was on Karlie's road. Next to her apartment building. She'd gone into a daze about ten minutes ago and now she found herself here, practically at Karlie's door. Of course I ended up here she though to herself, typical.
Taylor gave in to the feeling in her stomach that yearned for the model's presence, and she entered the building. It seemed like only seconds later that she was standing directly outside Karlie's door.
With a deep breath, Taylor knocked. Moments later, the door swung inward and a dazzling Karlie Kloss stood looking down at Taylor.
"Hi, Karls."
"Uh, come in. What's up?" Karlie asked as she pulled Taylor into her apartment. Taylor felt Karlie's slender hand grab hers to pull her along. Karlie could feel that Taylor was down.
"I just uh- I don't know." Taylor looked down at her feet sheepishly, sighing. Karlie immediately pulled her into a hug.
"Talk to me Taylor." Karlie mumbled into her ear.
"It's been such a long day, yknow? I'm just so tired. And like, the media just keep saying stuff about me, and this stupid stunt with Calvin that the label want me to keep going with...I just feel really done." Taylor let out, exasperated. She sighed into Karlie's chest.
"I'm sorry Tay. I know that it sucks." Karlie said. Taylor felt the need to change the subject and distract herself.
"So, what were you doing before I got here? I'm sorry to just surprise you like this." Taylor smiled and reluctantly detached herself from Karlie.
"It's alright babe! I was just doing some homework." Karlie told her, motioning to the pile of messy papers that lay on the coffee table and sofa.
"Oh my gosh I'm sorry! Would you like me to leave you to it?" Taylor asked, horrified.
"God no, I've been at it all day and I really needed a break, actually." Karlie flashed her sunshine smile.
Taylor couldn't help the butterflies erupting in her stomach.
"Yay!" Taylor said and hugged Karlie again. Karlie laughed at Taylor's excitableness and blushed, though the blush went unnoticed by Taylor.
Oh my god I'm so in love with her Karlie thought guiltily. She couldn't help but think it.
"Tay, I have something to tell you."
"What's up Karls?" Karlie smiled at Taylor's immediate concern.
"Josh and I broke up."
"What? Why?! Are you okay?" Taylor  knew that Karlie would never love her, but she couldn't stop herself from feeling slightly happy.
"Because..." Tears brimmed at Karlie's eyes. Taylor wrapped her in a warm hug as Karlie let out a muffled sob. She pulled away, a covered her face with her hands.
"I ended it with him, because of this." With a deep breath, Karlie drew up the side of her shirt to reveal large, mottled bruises all up her side. Some were purple, some green, some yellow, all at various stages of healing. Taylor's face contorted into an expression of horror, pain, and sadness.
"Karlie..." She breathed unable to form a coherent sentence. The model dropped her shirt to hide her bruised skin again, and started crying more. Taylor hugged her. She hugged her perfectly, making her feel safe and warm and protected, conveying her concern and love for the younger girl, but not too tight as to hurt her side more. "What happened baby?" She whispered.
"It's only happened a few times" Karlie choked out. "Our relationship was going down hill and we were fighting all the time and then one day he got drunk and-" Karlie cut out, unable to continue. "It happened every other day for the last month. It started with slaps and punches and then he started kicking me and afterwards he's always be sorry and apologise and he'd be the old Josh that I knew but- I was so scared Taylor. I still am."
Now that Karlie had finally opened up, she couldn't stop the flow of words. Tears fell down both of the girls cheeks, Taylor being unable to contain her pain of seeing her best friend and love of her life in so much pain. She seethed with anger at Josh.
"Who else have you told?" Taylor asked.
"My family. That's it. I only managed to break up with him a few days ago."
Taylor couldn't help herself. "I'm so sorry Karlie. I'm sorry. You don't deserve this, I'm so sorry this happened to you I love you."
Karlie's heart fluttered at Taylor's 'I love you', but she resigned herself to thinking that Taylor would never love her like that. Despite the comfort she felt from Taylor's touch and her words, she continued to cry, wishing for a love that could never be.
"I love you too." Karlie mumbled.
"Please don't cry, I hate to see you cry."
On impulse, Karlie leant forward and kissed Taylor's cheek.
"Okay." She said, as her sobs started to quieten. Taylor's cheeks flared a bright red, blushing at the softness of Karlie's lips.
The two hugged, Taylor rocking the model back and fourth, calming her. Karlie's sobs eventually changed into muffled hiccups as she fell into a light nap. Taylor lay her down on the sofa, grabbing a blanket and draping it over her elegant form.
"My god, you're beautiful." Taylor said out loud. Even with eyes red and swollen from crying, she was still the most beautiful woman taylor had ever laid eyes on. "I'm so in love with you."
Taylor said it quietly to herself, trying to come to terms with her repressed and sinful thoughts. She couldn't hide from it now that she'd admitted it out loud; she was so in love with Karlie Kloss. Then she heard it; a rough voice strained from sobbing, quietly replying.
"I'm in love with you too."

I believe this is my longest one shot so far and I think I'm gonna be late to school because of updating, whoops. Have a great day, lovelies xo

P.S. Votes and comments are appreciated!

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