thirty two

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thirty two

Luke laid in Ashton's bed, resting his feet up on the walls of his dorm room. "What's your roommate like?" He asked, trying to reach up to touch his toes—he couldn't due to the very large bump in his way.

"He's fine," Ash responded shortly. He typed away on a paper that was apparently due in four hours.

"Okay, but what's he like? Is he hot?"

"I don't know, he's fine. He's messy and he brings home girls a lot."

"Has he brought home you yet?"

Ashton turned around in his spinning chair, furrowing his eyebrows at his best friend. "I live here."

"Have you been inside him?"

"I'm not a top," Ashton responded, turning back to his computer, "And, he's straight."

Luke jumped off his friend's bed, circling the room to go through this mysterious roommates stuff. He picked up a floral shirt, knowing it wasn't Ashton's. "Are you sure?"

"Put that down, it's just a floral shirt." Ashton was clicking loudly on his keyboard, obviously angry at the psychology report. "You know, what someone wears doesn't tell their sexuality. Don't be a dick."

"Can you not fucking swear in front of It?" Luke pointed to his stomach.

Ash turned around, giving him a look again. "I'm obviously not going to get any work done until you leave." He stood up, closing his laptop in a huff. He held out his hands, guiding Luke back to his bed.

They both jumped up on the clean sheets, Luke laying around his pillows, his feet on Ash's lap. Ashton had his feet hanging over the edge as he leant against the wall.

"So, what's up with you and boy?" The brunette asked.

"He's just 'boy' now? Nice."

Ashton rolled his eyes.

"It's going fine. We need to start ordering furniture soon, but we're both procrastinators. I had to go to school the other day." Luke picked at his nails as he talked, not bothering to look up and see the college boy's reaction.

"Yuck, why?"

"We were running late from an appointment, and, yeah." Luke repositioned himself, placing a pillow underneath his lower back to stop cramps in the muscles. "I should get my license."

"You had your license, then you hit a tree and sped through a school zone."

"I didn't see the speed trap," he defended.

Ashton laughed, "That's the point of a speed trap!"

They were interrupted by the door of the small dorm opened, a boy with floppy curls over his face walking in. "Hey, Ash, I think I left," he paused, "—Oh, pregnant man is here."

Ashton sighed, ignoring the look Luke was giving him. "Matty, this is Luke. Luke, this is Matty."

Luke gave the skinny boy a smile, slowly watching him get through the dorm. "Nice to meet you."

"Yeah, Ashton talks about you all the time. You're the one fucking the teacher, right?"

Luke had his mouth wide open as he sat up to hit his friend. "Ashton!"

"I'm sorry! I was high!"

Matty held up his finger at Ashton. "Only the first time." He turned around again, a laugh leaving his throat as he heard Luke hit Ash once more. "Anyways, have you seen my lighter?"

"I think it's in your sock drawer," Ashton responded. He jumped off his bed once more, removing himself from Luke's abuse.

Matty began stripping off his sweater, throwing it on the floor and digging through drawers. Luke could feel Ashton tensing up at the mess his roommate was messing. And the half-naked boy five feet away from him.

Matty's pale, skinny body was littered with tattoos, each item of clothing he took off only revealed more ink. Luke tried not to stare but, man, boys are quite nice to stare at.

"Don't forget we have inspection next week, we need to clear out everything."

"Just hide the bongs. The RA dude doesn't fucking know what weed looks like." Matty was only in a pair of very tight boxers and Luke swore he was about to get a hard on. Luke took his eyes off of the boy walking around the room trying to find skinny jeans.

He looked up at the ceiling, closing his eyes and trying to think of dead puppies or something. Anything.

"You said that last time, then I had to blow him so we wouldn't get in shit. I really don't wanna blow that dude again."

Luke opened his eyes, looking at his best friend as he let out the promiscuous behavior he's been up to. "Dude, what the fuck, who?"

"Just some kid."

Matty jumped up on his own bed, wiggling into jeans. "Ashton's mouth does wonders apparently."

Luke laughed, looking up at the ceiling once more. "I'm not gonna let you live this one down."

"Don't you have baby furniture or something to look up?" Ashton asked, shoving his computer in Luke's hands.

"I'm trying to make friends, fuck you." Luke took his laptop, though. It was always the right time for shopping.

"Alright, I'm gonna go find someone to bang. I'll be back before economics tomorrow morning." Matty buttoned up a pink shirt, rolling up the sleeves lazily. He ran a hand through his hair, letting the dark ringlets of curls lay over his face. "Nice meeting you, Preggo. Hope to see you again."

Luke watched him leave, his mouth still open wide. He looked over at Ashton, waiting for the brunette to look up. "Dude, he cannot be straight."

"Stop," Ashton whined, hiding the blush on his cheeks.

"You totally wanna bang him."

Ash jumped up on his own bed, curling into Luke's side. "I don't. I want to hug him and cuddle him and braid his hair. I want to go on dates with him and have inside jokes with him. I want him to tell me I'm the best think that has ever happened to him," he word-vomited.

"Aw, you actually want a relationship." Luke ran a hand through Ashton's hair, rubbing at his scalp. "Use protection."

Ashton placed his hands on Luke's belly, rubbing the bloated skin. "Yeah, Luke, I know."

"At least we know he's a bottom."

"We don't know that."

Luke laughed. "Have you seen him?"

(a/n) go read wasting time by sublimed u will not regret it

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